中期染色体涂片 中期染色体涂片中期利差
Drop the cells onto pre-cleaned slide or treated slide above, rinse with fixative (optional), dry on wet tower papers, and observe for metaphase spreads with a phase-constrast microscope.
20. Keep slide in a box at room temperature (up to about 1-2 months); metaphase spreads may be kept longer at -80°C or in 70% ethanol at 4°C. 21. Keep fixative with lymphcates at -20°C until the preparation of new slides. Add new fixative and wash cell before the preparation...
In the "direct" technique, presented here in an Alternate Protocol, Langhans of the cytotrophoblast, actively dividing in first-trimester villi, are synchronized and arrested in after a short incubation period, and spreads are prepared. Chorionic villi are composed of an outer layer of ...
This method is highly labour intensive and cannot be performed outside the preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) laboratory, so to overcome these limitations, a method was developed for obtaining metaphase spreads from single biopsied blastomeres using different chemicals. The substances tested were ...
In order to exclude inadvertent mixing of slides carrying metaphase spreads, chromosomal DNA was re-extracted several months after routine slide preparation (hypotonic treatment, spreading, fixation, staining, embedding and microscopic inspection) in different laboratories. The DNA yield was largely ...
Metaphase spreads after GTG-banding from cells derived from CLBL-1 (A) and from CLBL-1M (D).Barbara C. RütgenSaskia WillenbrockNicola ReimannBergIngrid WalterAndrea FuchsBaumgartingerSiegfried WagnerBoris KovacicSabine E. EsslerIlse Schwendenwein...
The computer, through its operating software, controls lateral and vertical motion of the microscope stage to search the slide for metaphase chromosome spreads and to focus them. The video signal processing required to generate the parameters, its implementation and the operating software are described...
(1996) Efficient preparation of plant metaphase spreads. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 14, 149–155.Busch, W, Hermann, RG, Houben, A (1996) Efficient preparation of plant metaphase spreads. Plant Mol Biol Rep 14: pp. 149-155Busch W, Hermann RG, Houben A et al. (1996). Efficient preparation...
HANABI Metaphase Spreader for Rapid Consistent Metaphase SpreadsMi, YuanYuanYu, QianQianXu, BinZhang, LiFengMin, ZhiChaoHua, LiXinFeng, NingHanYao, Yong