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World of Warcraft Forums Caster meta PVP Battlegrounds Arttoriouss-frostmourne December 31, 2024, 3:41am 1 can we please start nerfing wizards a little bit? warlock, mage, shaman and Spriest are all insanely strong atm and honestly makes BG’s a chore to play Celinthia-eldrethalas ...
❮Clown Return❯ 米奈希爾 幻象現實巨盔 135 艾澤拉斯之心 155 瘋狂扭動肩甲 140 決心罩氅,艾夏卡瑪斯 155 暮光屠虐胸甲 140 體面的白襯衣 1 龍骨護臂 130 陰惡巨怪護手 附魔:贊達拉製作 120 日漸冷酷束腰 120 錘鍊黃金腿鎧 120 陰惡巨怪脛甲
Thanks to all achievement, trophy and badge lovers for being part of the journey! // Oskar World of Warcraft Classic 12:18 April 27, 2024 by primal_r Metagamerscore now support World of Warcraft Classic achievements. Add your characters (up to 4) on the Gaming Accounts page (https://me...
World of Warcraft Forums Warlock Meta Healing PVP WoW Classic Season of Discovery Mev-wild-growth March 14, 2024, 5:05pm 1 I understand that pvp is not balanced but I do believe when a Meta lock has Mortal Strike on (50% healing reduction), that they still shouldn’t be able to ...
Thanks to all achievement, trophy and badge lovers for being part of the journey! // Oskar World of Warcraft Classic 12:18 April 27, 2024 by primal_r Metagamerscore now support World of Warcraft Classic achievements. Add your characters (up to 4) on the Gaming Accounts page (https://me...
s Game Based Learning MOOC and that is that it appears to be particularly geared towards World of Warcraft (WoW). This seems to be a highly structured virtual gaming world. However, I cannot judge this virtual world / game without finding out more about it first. Inevitably exploration in ...
解放安德麦 Level 80 随机团队 0/8 普通 0/8 英雄 0/8 史诗 0/8 巨龙时代 化身巨龙牢窟 Level 70 随机团队 0/8 普通 0/8 英雄 2/8 史诗 0/8 亚贝鲁斯,焰影熔炉 Level 70 随机团队 9/9 普通 0/9 英雄 9/9 史诗 0/9 阿梅达希尔,梦境之愿 Level 70 随机团队 9/9 普...