it's a website that continuously monitors statistical data from world of warcraft logs and leaderboards. it helps you discover: what is best to play tier lists how to play it optimally meta builds how many people play wow server population our algorithms provide unbiased, data science-driven...
so many unadressed bugs, so many exploits, why even try to help the devs or the game makers. They are just going to continue to put META classes first in everything
A top World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raiding site featuring character & guild profiles, Mythic+ Scores, Raid Progress, Guild Recruitment, the Race to World First, and more.
A top World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raiding site featuring character & guild profiles, Mythic+ Scores, Raid Progress, Guild Recruitment, the Race to World First, and more.
World of Warcraft has never been perfectly balanced, and The War Within is no exception. Some classes are better than others at the high end for raiding, and inevitably, a meta will exist. This ranking is based on the viability and strength of the various DPS specializations for the first ...
Lunar Festival walkthrough for World of Warcraft with quest details, achievement explanations, item lists, boss strategies, etc.
there are too many people who fancy themselves elite players, who ran the “meta” spec layout like the sheep they are, and they could not handle it. and they were too prideful and blind to admit it, so instead they complained the spec was bad. it didn’t matter what words they used...
Take your World of Warcraft experience to new competitive heights with WoW Esports, featuring the Arena World Championship, the Mythic Dungeon International, The Great Push, and more!
Elite: The War Within Season 1:Earn the rank of Elite during The War Within season 1. Rewards the seasonal character title, “the Elite.” For completing this Meta-Achievement, you’ll receive the Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone. “Infuse your armor with a faint echo of power of the depth...
The Fall of Naxxramas (25 player)Defeat every boss in Naxxramas in 25-player mode. 50 points.Account Wide. Pandaria Reputation The Shado-MasterProve your worth to the Shado-Pan elite by completing all of the achievements listed below. Title Reward: Shado-Master. 10 points.Account Wide. ...