This is one of the longest mount challenges inWoWat the time of writing, initially solved thanks to the incredible people in the Secret Finding Discord and on the Wowhead team. To get started, make sure you’ve got the Detective title, rewarded by completing Azeroth’s Greatest Detective, th...
. additional units will be charged at the non-ecoupon price. purchase additional now we're sorry, the maximum quantity you are able to buy at this amazing ecoupon price is sign in or create an account to save your cart! sign in or create an account to join rewards view cart wow, ...
. additional units will be charged at the non-ecoupon price. purchase additional now we're sorry, the maximum quantity you are able to buy at this amazing ecoupon price is sign in or create an account to save your cart! sign in or create an account to join rewards view cart wow, ...
As mentioned above, the meta is expected to shift significantly in raids for the Season of Discovery. If you want to read more about the new raid meta and how classes are performing, check out our tier lists linked below.
BALANCE & META| You cannot have 6-7 meta specs that can do 17s and the rest to be able to reach up to 14s. It is unfair, it has a huge impact on all key levels, even the low ones, as people will struggle more if they chose the wrong spec in the start of the patch. They ...
Here comes the Classic panel recap, as Blizzard detail what was announced. From Hardcore Self Found to the many deatails of Season of Discovery, this summary has it all covered. WoW Classic Panel (Source) During the World of Warcraft Classic Classic: Wha
Just like title tags, meta descriptions can also be seen in SERP results. Here’s what it looks like; 3. Robots Noindex and Nofollow Meta Tags Robots noindex tag tells search enginesnot to indexa web page in their search results. This meta tag is used when you want to create temporary...
What's coming for WoW Classic after you have faced off against the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel? WoW Classic developers take us on a journey to see what's coming next to Classic Azeroth.
We wrote about this in September thatLink manager aka Blogrolls will be hidden in WordPress 3.5. In the past, we used the wording “sort of removed” which confused the heck out of people. If you are using the link manager currently, then it will stay as is. However, for those users...
Discoveries are new, hidden secrets all over Azeroth designed to feel at home in Original WoW and bring about a unique experience of social interaction and information sharing. There will not be a public Beta or PTR for Season of Discovery to ensure that the first few weeks feel as exciting...