读音:美[´miːzɪəl]英[´miːzɪəl] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 mesial中文翻译 adj.中央的,中间的 mesial是什么意思 网络中央的; 中间的; 内侧的 词组短语 1.mesialsurface[解剖]近中面 2.mesialtemporal lobe epilepsy癫痫;内侧颞叶癫痫;颞叶癫痫 ...
surface n. 1.[C]表面;表层;面 2.[C][usually sing.]水面;地面;液面 3.[C](家具的)顶面,操作台 4.[sing.]表面;外表;外观 v. 1.[I]升到水面; surface to surface a. 地对地的 hard surface 硬面 surface to air a. 地对空的 serrated surface 锯齿形表面,锯齿形表面 surface active...
mesial surface 英文mesial surface 中文【医】 近中面 接口调用|联系我们
英文: Ru1ls: The root surface with high root caries prevalence rate are labial surfaces of incisor and canine, mandibular premolar and molar, lingual surfaces of mandibular incisor and canine and maxillary molar, distal surface of premolar and mesial surface of中文: 结果:根面龋易感性高的根面为...
mesial surface 近中面相关短语 epirelief (层面) 上凸 herringbone dressing (石面) 人字纹修琢 chemocline (化跃面) 化跃层 sparrow pecked (砖面) 点状花纹 pin holing (釉面) 起针孔 quadrantal (spherical) triangle (球面) 直边三角形 undersoil (地面下层土) 底土 lenticular (两面凸出的) 透镜状的...
mesial surface近中面 mesial inclination【医】 近中倾斜 相似单词 mesiala. 中央的,中间的 最新单词 dewaterizer的中文解释脱水器 dewatering是什么意思及音标脱水; 疏水 dewaterer什么意思及同义词脱水器; 除水器 dewatered怎么翻译及发音去水的 dewater是什么意思vt. 使脱水 ...
The mesial surface of the incisor faces the center of the mouth. 6 Distal In biology, situated away from the point of reference. The distal segments of a spider’s legs are vital for mobility. 6 Mesial Specific to describing dental orientation. Dentists check for cavities in both distal and...
WORK on the mesial surface of the cortex has produced conflicting observations on the part played by the cingulate gyrus in behaviour. Smith 1,2 , Ward 3 and Glees et al. 4 reported that cingulectomy produces profound changes in the social and emotional behaviour of monkeys and similar ...
In lingual view, the mesial surface of the protocone merges gradually with the anterior cingulum. Branches of the cingulum curve around outside the trigon on its mesial and distal sides. The teeth are only slightly worn; the dentine is exposed on one mesial cusp on the first right and left...
the contact surface of a tooth that is directed toward the median plane of the dental arch; opposite to the facies distalis dentis. Synonym(s): facies mesialis dentis [TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 me·si·al sur·face of tooth (mēzē-ăl sŭrfăs tūth) ...