the contact surface of a tooth that is directed toward the median plane of the dental arch; opposite to the facies distalis dentis. Synonym(s): facies mesialis dentis [TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 me·si·al sur·face of tooth (mēzē-ăl sŭrfăs tūth) ...
(Dentistry) Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch. Distal Situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as a tooth or tooth surface. Mesial (anatomy) Pertaining to the midline of the body. Distal Remote from the point of attachme...
mesial Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Wikipedia Related to mesial:mesial drift,Mesial Temporal Sclerosis me·si·al (mē′zē-əl, -zhəl) adj. 1.Of, in, near, or toward the middle. 2.DentistrySituated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch. ...
The dental prosthesis according to the invention is characterized in that the mesial contact surface, the distal contact surface and/or the occlusal contact surface comprise free spaces that have been deliberately incorporated in order to obtain dynamic occlusal guidance. patents-wipo During that time...
Dentistry Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionOf, in, near, or toward the middle. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition...
The statistical comparisons showed that cementum thickness on the distal surface was significantly greater for bicuspids (mesial, 135 μm: distal, 216 μm), molars (mesial, 154 μm : distal, 284 μm), and all teeth combined (mesial, 154 μm: distal, 284 μm). The magnitude of this ...
These advantages include an axis of rotation that is more anterior in the dental arch, less trauma to the soft tissue immediately distal to abutment teeth, a reduction in the need for indirect retention, a more favorable fulcrum point on the abutment tooth, and increased resistance to distal ...
In order to evaluate interdental forces as a benchmark for mesial drift, a measurement technique was tested and evaluated on a human specimen. The measurement technique is based on the principle that a mesially directed horizontal force (F H ) within a complete dental arch has an effect on ...
We describe the distribution of dental caries (DF), by age-group, between right and left homologous mesial and distal surfaces of permanent maxillary incisors. In any age-group above 15 yr, and for any pair of homologous surfaces, the proportion of the population with an affected (DF) right...
Furcation root surface anatomyRoot concavityReplica methodSuccessful manipulation of instruments clinically requires instinctive dexterity based on a thorough knowledge of dental anatomy. In round and nearly straight roots of upper central incisors in which the canals are centered in the dentin body of ...