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Define mesial. mesial synonyms, mesial pronunciation, mesial translation, English dictionary definition of mesial. adj. 1. Of, in, near, or toward the middle. 2. Dentistry Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental a
Looking for online definition of mesial surface of tooth in the Medical Dictionary? mesial surface of tooth explanation free. What is mesial surface of tooth? Meaning of mesial surface of tooth medical term. What does mesial surface of tooth mean?
Situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as a tooth or tooth surface. Mesial (anatomy) Pertaining to the midline of the body. Distal Remote from the point of attachment or origin. The distal end of a bone or muscle Mesial (dentistry) Facing the side of a tooth which fac...
Of, relating to, or being the surface of a tooth that is next to the tooth in front of it or that is closest to the middle of the front of the jaw . from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in RED...
In lingual view, the mesial surface of the protocone merges gradually with the anterior cingulum. Branches of the cingulum curve around outside the trigon on its mesial and distal sides. The teeth are only slightly worn; the dentine is exposed on one mesial cusp on the first right and left...
(3) A diagnosis of mTLE was made based on seizure clinical findings, invasive or surface electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, or morphological findings from MRI, (4) The surgical technique was explicitly described as either MRgLITT, RFA or SRS or any of their corresponding names, (5) The ...
(SEEG) is an important tool that registers electrical activity from very confined deep-seated brain regions that usually escape detection by usual surface recording modalities.[38]Complex signal processing techniques have been employed to understand the intrinsic properties of epileptogenic networks from ...
Define mesial a. mesial a synonyms, mesial a pronunciation, mesial a translation, English dictionary definition of mesial a. a geometric figure; an angular projection; a projecting corner: the angles of a building; a viewpoint; standpoint: He looked at t