The folic acid antagonists enjoy a unique place in cancer chemotherapy (Holland, 1961). Aminopterin was the first designed antimetabolite which provided significant regression of a neoplasm, acute lymphocytic leukemia in children (Farber et al., 1948). Nearly ten years ago, in October 1955, ...
This resulted principally in stunting of the root system which could be reversed by the simultaneous addition of either p -aminobenzoic acid or folic acid. Compounds related to p -aminobenzoic acid had no such activity. It is proposed that a possible mechanism of action of asulam is the ...
Folic acid Folic acid may decrease the excretion rate of Fluconazole which could result in a higher serum level. Fomepizole Fluconazole may decrease the excretion rate of Fomepizole which could result in a higher serum level. Fondaparinux Fluconazole may decrease the excretion rate of Fondaparinux whic...
Folic acid The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Folic acid is combined with Fluorouracil. Fomepizole The metabolism of Fluorouracil can be decreased when combined with Fomepizole. Fondaparinux The risk or severity of bleeding can be increased when Fondaparinux is combined with...
1981 . Studies of the mechanism of action of asulam in plants. II. Effect of asulam on the biosynthesis of folic acid. Pestic. Sci 12: 330 – 338 . ,Veerasekaran et al., " Studies of the mechanism of action of asulam in plants. Part II: Effect of asulam on the biosynthesis of ...
The inhibition of DHFR by MTX has been described as stoichiometric; that is, one molecule of MTX eliminates one molecule of enzyme. This is essentially the result observed with cell-free extracts at low pH and with folic acid as substrate. At physiological pH, inhibition can best be described...
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Goldman, I. D., Lichtenstein, N. S. & Oliverio, V. T. Carrier-mediated transport of the folic acid analogue, methotrexate, in the L1210 leukemia cell.J. Biol. Chem.243, 5007–5017 (1968). ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Zhao, R. & Goldman, I. D. Folate and thiamine transporters mediated...
Folic acid Meloxicam may decrease the excretion rate of Folic acid which could result in a higher serum level. Fomepizole Meloxicam may decrease the excretion rate of Fomepizole which could result in a higher serum level. Fondaparinux The risk or severity of bleeding and hemorrhage can be increased...
Folic acid Estradiol may decrease the excretion rate of Folic acid which could result in a higher serum level. Fomepizole Estradiol may decrease the excretion rate of Fomepizole which could result in a higher serum level. Fondaparinux The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when ...