Toxicity of ABCB5+ cells was additionally investigated in mice with partial liver resection. In vitro, the fibrosis- and inflammatory-modulating effects of supernatant from ABCB5+ cells were examined in the human hepatic stellate cell line (LX-2). Cell injections into fibrotic Mdr2KO mice as ...
Intrahepatic biliary duct mass, collagen deposition and alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) were found to be much higher in livers of MDR2KO mice than in controls; corticosterone treatment significantly decreased these fibrosis markers. When looking at the gender-specific response to corticosterone ...
The Abcb1 KO mice might thus serve as a model in which diet/environmental factors and microbes may be controlled and investigated in relation to intestinal inflammation. Potential molecular mechanisms include defective transport of inflammatory mediators and/or phospholipid translocation from one side to...
(Ber)ontheexpressionofCYP3A1andCYP2E1genesaswellasthemultidrug—resistantgenesmdrlaandmdrlboftheliverinmice andrats. Methods:ThelevelsoftheexpressionofCYP3A1,CYP2E1,mdrlaandmdrlbgenesinthemurineliverwereassayedw i th RT—PCRafterthedrugadministration. ...
The Abcb1 KO mice might thus serve as a model in which diet/environmental factors and microbes may be controlled and investigated in relation to intestinal inflammation. Potential molecular mechanisms include defective transport of inflammatory mediators and/or phospholipid translocation from one side to...
The tissue distribution of mdr1a/1b in mice is broad, including the liver and heart; however, the mdr1 gene of humans is expressed at relatively low levels in normal conditions, and a stressed condition, such as treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs targeting cancer cells, can overexpress the ...
On the basis of this background, we AIM to evaluate the role of nicotine and α7‐nAChR in the regulation of biliary proliferation and hepatic fibrosis in Mdr2 KO mice that mimic some features of primary sclerosing cholangitis.doi:10.1096/fasebj.31.1_supplement.804.9April O'Brien...
Absence of BSEP (ABCB11) protects MDR2 (ABCB4) KO mice from cholestatic liver and bile duct injury through anti-inflammatory bile acid composition and signalingCD FuchsMedical University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaV MlitzMedical University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaM Tardelli...
THU-007-Absence of BSEP (ABCB11) protects MDR2 (ABCB4) KO mice from cholestatic liver and bile duct injury through anti-inflammatory bile acid composition and signalingdoi:10.1016/S0618-8278(19)30291-9Claudia FuchsVeronika MlitzMatteo Tardelli...
correction to human skin derived abcb5 stem ce11 injection improves 1iver disease params in mdr2ko miceVanessaHartwig· BedairDewidar· TaoLin· AnneDropmann· ChristophGanss·\u001FMarkAndreasKluth· NilsTappenbeck· LysannTietze· BrunoChrist· MarkusFrank· RogerVogelmann·\u001FMatthiasPhilip...