第三个专家至今都没回复我(但他的问题比较好回答,第一轮修改后对文章评价也比较高,认为The article leaves a good impression, well structured, which allows us to recommend it for publication in the journal after correcting the following comments),从我上传“Response to Reviewer 3 Comments”至今已经过了...
主要看comments,这个选项其实因人而异,每个reviewer的打分的标准不太一样。2个意见回来了,说明可以做决定了,不过我看语言的评价都不高,个人经验大修和拒稿鼓励重投的概率一半一半。 3楼2023-04-04 22:51 收起回复 最爱hztt 探花 10 这个评价其实比我当时好太多,应该是没问题,给个大修。 来自Android客户端6...
你好,我想问一下回复审稿人意见的格式问题:MDPI给了一个回复意见的word模板,开头就是超大字号的“Response to Reviewer 1 Comments” 。请问这个标题你有保留吗?我们是否需要自己加个开头,表示对审稿人的感谢,比如Dear reviewer………什么的 来自iPhone客户端11楼2022-12-22 16:29 收起回复 登录...
MDPI出版社旗下期刊的OA论文处理费(APC),将在2023年6月底进行价格上涨,超过90种OA期刊的APC涨幅在200~1200瑞士法郎(折合人民币1560元~9300元)。 期刊官网介绍如下:(来自https://www.mdpi.com/apc) General Information on MDPI’s Article Processing Charges (APC) MDPI publishes all its journals in full ...
Thank you very much for your attention. We are looking forward for your response sincerely.Best ...
The Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will also remove any comments that disclose reviewers’ identities. Can an external editor reject a submission even if all reviewer comments are positive? Reviewers usually make recommendations on a manuscript. They suggest whether or not a paper should...
We are pleased to submit the revised manuscript "XXX(手稿标题)". This study employed the XXX(方法或模型) to investigate the XXX(研究对象或研究结论). We have diligently addressed each reviewer's suggestions and comments, making revisions to the manuscript accordingly. These revisions encompassed the...
Dr. Editor and Reviewers, We are pleased to submit the revised manuscript "XXX(手稿标题)". This study employed the XXX(方法或模型) to investigate the XXX(研究对象或研究结论). We have diligently addressed each reviewer's suggestions and comments, making revisions to the manuscript accordingly. ...
Dr. Editor and Reviewers,We are pleased to submit the revised manuscript "XXX(手稿标题)". This study employed the XXX(方法或模型) to investigate the XXX(研究对象或研究结论).We have diligently addressed each reviewer's suggestions and comments, making revisions to the manuscript accordingly. These...
This study employed the XXX(方法或模型) to investigate the XXX(研究对象或研究结论). We suppose that these aspects of the manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of your Special Issue. XXX(手稿的重要意义、创新点或重要结论等,分条列举,下同;不要太多,2到4条就差不多). ...