pending review多长时间记不得了,但我记得这篇论文从投稿到收到审稿意见花了37天,两个审稿人一共提了10多个问题,编辑给了小修,给了5天的时间。现在看来这10多个问题并不好回答,如果我是编辑,我可能会给大修。最关键的是什么呢,给了5天的时间,恰好就是腊月28到大年初二,所以那几天师姐很崩溃,审稿人问题不好...
a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs of peer review administration and management, professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to other publishing functions. Please note that the option ...
This account will allow you to track the status of your manuscript throughout the review process and make any necessary revisions. 4. Start the Submission Process: Once you have logged into the MDPI submission system, locate the "Submit Manuscript" option. This will initiate the submission ...
professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to other publishing functions. Please note that the option to process an advance payment remains but does not guarantee acceptance of manuscripts...
MDPI出版社旗下期刊的OA论文处理费(APC),将在2023年6月底进行价格上涨,超过90种OA期刊的APC涨幅在200~1200瑞士法郎(折合人民币1560元~9300元)。 在MDPI出版的OA期刊中,有5种期刊处于2022年中国通迅作者发表OA论文数量排名前10的期刊:Sustainability,Remote Sensing,International Journal of Environmental Research and...
Current Oncology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal published online by MDPI (from Volume 28 Issue 1-2021). Established in 1994, the journal represents a multidisciplinary medium for clinical oncologists to report and review progress in the management of this disease. The ...
On the first page of the submission form, the ‘choose journal’ option should already have the chosen journal filled in. The next step is to pick the journal section; this is chosen based on the manuscript topic. It’s important to note that authors can also choose Special and Topic Issu...
When submitting your manuscript to SuSy, it will start with an option to select whether or not you have used the journal’s template; some of the fields will already be filled out if you use it. You are therefore encouraged to use the journal’sMicrosoft Word templateorLaTeX template(includ...
Open Source GitHub Sponsors Fund open source developers The ReadME Project GitHub community articles Repositories Topics Trending Collections Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece of feedback, and take ...
评审前公开(open pre-review manuscripts):评审前公开是指论文投稿后立刻公开,通常会发表在预印本平台上,如arXiv等。评审前公开能保证研究成果的首发权,无需等待漫长的评审。评审前公开还能增加稿件的质量,通常论文在评审前公开后会在不同的平台开放评审,收集审稿意见。