3) 在新打开的“GEL Files”窗口中,右键点击并选择“Load GEL” 4) 选择文件 mcu_plus_sdk_xx_xx_xx\source\networking\enet\core\tools\debug_gels\cpsw_startup.gel 5) 点击“Scripts”-->“CPSW Statistics Print”-->“cpsw_2g_ststsprint_nonzero”,您将在 CC...
Part Number:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X 各位老师好! 我在调试AM263x CC 开发板的 串口 edma 通信例程时。想实现 edma+串口:查询方式接收串口数据。 步骤如下: 1,当我检测到breloadcnt-bcnt>0时。我调用了: staticint32_tUART_edmaDisableChannel(UART_Handlehandle,uint32_tisChannelTx...
Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X Hello IT-Support, i think the Build-in Self-test functionality is insufficient documented. Additional it is a Build-in Self
Part Number: MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2243 Hi Experts, I'm debugging the mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_02_00_01. I use rlSensorStop to
MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK 是统一的毫米波检测产品系列用软件平台,不仅设置简单,还可实现开箱即用的快速评估和开发。MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK 是客户应用开发所需的第二代基础软件包,其中包括构建块、演示和示例。汽车领域的演示应用是为前置远距离雷达、超短距离雷达、车内乘员检测等量身定制的应用。
AM243x MCU+ SDK 08.06.00 Adding Support For a Custom Flash Device Table of Contents Introduction Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) Summary of steps needed to enable a new flash device Step 1: Building the OSPI Flash Diagnostic example Step 2: Configuring the flash v...
▼AM263x MCU+ SDK ►Introduction ►Getting Started ►Release Notes ►Developer Guides ►Datasheet ►Ethernet And Networking ►PRU IO ►OS Kernel ►Driver Porting Layer (DPL) ►SOC Peripheral Drivers ►Security ►Board Peripheral Drivers ►Tools and Utilities ►MATHLIB ►...
Part Number:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM273X MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM273X的can怎调试,我用XDS调试例程,canfd分析仪一直没数据输出;例程mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_04_01_02\mcu_plus_sdk_am273x_08_05_00_24\examples\drivers\mcan\mcan_loopback_interrupt\am273x-evm\r5fss0-0_freertos;但是可以打印All tests have passed...
mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_10_01_00_32_docs_only.tar.xz Documentation only package open-in-new CCS 12.8.1 Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) open-in-new TI ARM CLANG 4.0.1.LTS TI ARM CLANG compiler open-in-new ...
Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch. This SDK support AM243x EVM and AM243x LP PROC109E2 board revision. Netwo...