3) 在新打开的“GEL Files”窗口中,右键点击并选择“Load GEL” 4) 选择文件 mcu_plus_sdk_xx_xx_xx\source\networking\enet\core\tools\debug_gels\cpsw_startup.gel 5) 点击“Scripts”-->“CPSW Statistics Print”-->“cpsw_2g_ststsprint_nonzero”,您将在 CC...
器件型号:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X 您好! 目前我有 AM243x EVM (TMDS243GPEVM)。 我正在进行一些调查、并希望确认有关 IPC RP 消息的一些信息以及我是否理解正确。 1.根据文档可以看到我们可以使用 IPC RP 消息发送消息或接收具有特定超时的消息。 如果超时、消息将被...
The MCU core can select the algorithm and RAM groups for the memories' self-test from the on-chip ROM based on the application requirements. Once the self-test has executed, the CPU can query the PBIST controller registers to ide...
${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/drivers/boot/sbl_emmc/am243x-evm/r5fss0-0_nortos/default_sbl_emmc.cfg The flashing application and the eMMC bootloader needs to be specified in this file as --flash-writer={path to flash application .tiimage} --file={path to eMMC bootloader .tiimage} --...
AM243x MCU+ SDK 08.06.00 Adding Support For a Custom Flash Device Table of Contents Introduction Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) Summary of steps needed to enable a new flash device Step 1: Building the OSPI Flash Diagnostic example Step 2: Configuring the flash v...
Part Number:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X 问题如题 Shine: 因为有单独的工业协议包。https://www.ti.com/tool/download/INDUSTRIAL-COMMUNICATIONS-SDK-AM243X , ?? ?: 单独的工业协议包里没有profinet demo参考。 , Shine: 请按照下面帖子里的email邮箱申请一下。https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/arm-...
应用指南:spradh8.pdf中章节4.1,参考github.com/…/README.md,在ubuntu22.04和Windows系统下,下载mcu_plus_sdk ,并生成AM64x的libs成功。 但是,构建 make -s -C test/networking/lwip/enet_icssg_tcpserver/am64x-evm/system_cpsw_icssg 时,报错。
器件型号:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X 各位专家: 当我 将 example/Profinetdevice_rt_MII_demo_am243x-lp_r5fs0-0_freertos_ti-arms-clang.appimage 加载到 外部闪存时、如下所示(闪存配置文件): 但是、当我设置 QSPI 良好模式、然后为电路板加电时、串行端口会打印...
mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_01_00_32_docs_only.tar.xz Documentation only package open-in-new CCS 12.8.1 Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) open-in-new TI ARM CLANG 4.0.1.LTS TI ARM CLANG compiler open-in-new ...
Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch. This SDK support AM243x EVM and AM243x LP PROC109E2 board revision. Netwo...