Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch. This SDK support AM243x EVM and AM243x LP PROC109E2 board revision. Netwo...
您需要根据自己的需要进行更改。这取决于您希望如何在这三个核心之间分配 DPM 任务的体系结构,并且此定义将影响 DPM 代码修改。为了跨内核实施此 DPM,内核也需要在您在它们之间实施 IPC 的地方进行数据通信。MCU Plus SDK 提供了相同的示例参考 mcu_plus_sdk_am27x_xx/examples/drivers/...
Part Number:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X 各位老师好! 我在调试AM263x CC 开发板的 串口 edma 通信例程时。想实现 edma+串口:查询方式接收串口数据。 步骤如下: 1,当我检测到breloadcnt-bcnt>0时。我调用了: staticint32_tUART_edmaDisableChannel(UART_Handlehandle,uint32_tisChannelTx...
For all the SDK examples The linker command is updated to include theFLASHmemory segment. The code/rodata section are NOT re-directed to FLASH by default though, unless mentioned otherwise in the example. XIP post-build steps are always invoked as part of application post build. Invoking these...
MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK 是统一的毫米波检测产品系列用软件平台,不仅设置简单,还可实现开箱即用的快速评估和开发。MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK 是客户应用开发所需的第二代基础软件包,其中包括构建块、演示和示例。汽车领域的演示应用是为前置远距离雷达、超短距离雷达、车内乘员检测等量身定制的应用。
SIGNING_TOOL_PATH=$(MCU_PLUS_SDK_PATH)/tools/boot/signing # Encryption option (yes/no) ENC_ENABLED?=no # Generic macros to be used depending on the device type APP_SIGNING_KEY= APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY= ifeq ($(DEVICE_TYPE),HS) APP_SIGNING_KEY=$(CUST_MPK) ...
Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X Hello IT-Support, i think the Build-in Self-test functionality is insufficient documented. Additional it is a Build-in Self
SensiML为QuickLogic公司旗下的子公司,能够提供数种不同的软件用以撷取数据、建立模型与测试验证。其软件支持非常多不同的硬件开发板,如Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense、Arduino Nicla Sense ME、M5Stack M5StickC PLUS, Nordic Thingy、Raspberry Pi等,甚至连8位的Microchip Technology AVR128DA48 Curiosity也能使用。
Part Number: MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2243 Hi Experts, I'm debugging the mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_02_00_01. I use rlSensorStop to
MCU PLUS SDK online documentation open-in-new Datasheet Performance measurement datasheet open-in-new mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_01_00_32_docs_only.tar.xz Documentation only package open-in-new CCS 12.8.1 Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) ...