系列文章目录 统计计算一|非线性方程的求解统计计算二|EM算法(Expectation-Maximization Algorithm,期望最大化算法)统计计算三|Cases for EM统计计算四|蒙特卡罗方法(Monte Carlo Me
参考文献 Muraki, E. (1992). A generalized partial credit model: Application of an EM algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 16, 159–176. Daniel C. Furr (2017). edstan: Stan Models for Item Response Theory. R package version 1.0.6.https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=edstanCarpenter...
EM演算法MCMC演算法Gibbs sampling. Multi–source incomplete time seriesState-space modelEM algorithmMCMC algorithmGibbs sampling不完整資料的問題發生在各個領域,其原因可能是測量極限問題導致缺失值的發生,也可能是因為經費,調查技術不足,或者是多個從事相同調查工作的測量機構缺乏協調,導致調查資料時序上的不完整及...
最出名的算法叫做Metropolis Hasting Algorithm (MH):很多其他实用的MCMC算法究其根本都是MH算法的延伸。 算法介绍:对于目标分布p(x),首先给定参考条件概率分布q(x*|x),然后基于当前x的值模拟出一个新样本x*,然后马尔科夫链将依据一定的概率移动到x*(否则还留在x),这个概率是 ...
The Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm 问题:从复杂的概率分布p(x)中采样。 解决方案:假如我们要从p(x)=f(x)/K中采样,但是K 并不已知且无法求取,则采取如下方法进行采样 a.设定初始值x0,要满足f(x0)>0; b.利用现在的x值,从转移分布q(x1,x2)中采样一个候选参数x*,对这个转移分布的限制是q(x1,x2)=q...
EM algorithm, and the veracity of the parameter estimation with MCMC algorithm in 2PL model was compared with 3PL model in the same sample size. Thirdly, the reason why the veracity of parameter estimation of 3PL model was worse was investigated, and the improvement of 3PL model was trie...
options = optimset('fmincon');options = optimset(options , 'Algorithm ','interior-point');% options = optimset(options , 'Algorithm ','active-set');options = optimset(options, 'Hessian','bfgs');fmincon(@(x) msarmagarch(x,data,reg,ORDERS,flag),beq,LB,UB,@(x) MSARMAGARCH(x,k,nbpa...
The MCMC-EM algorithm via Stan is used for parameter estimation. This method is employed in the function mvplnMCMCclus. Coarse grain parallelization is employed, such that when a range of components/clusters (g = 1,…,G) are considered, each component/cluster is run on a different processor...