HER3, a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase super family, is overexpressed in a number of cancers, and is associated with malignant phenotypes. Control of the protein stability of the membrane, as well as nuclear receptors, has been known to be an important process affecting tumor cells; ...
It has been reported that HER2 level is strongly correlated with the expression of MMP-7 in some carcinomas. HER2 is a preferredheterodimerization partner of EGFR, HER3, and HER4. HER2 overexpression is believed to enhance the signaling from these receptorsin response to binding of their specifi...
含量测定辣椒素110839-200403常温,避光20mgERBB3重组小鼠 HER3 / ErbB3 蛋白 (His 标签) ProteinRhesus antibody Rh C1orf163 1号染色体开放阅读框163抗体 规格 0.2ml 含量测定联苯110843-9501常温,避光100mgGSK3B重组小鼠 GSK3B 蛋白 (His 标签) ProteinRhesus antibody Rh C1orf159 1号染色体开放阅读框159抗体 ...
HER-2 lacks the capacity to interact with ligand [6], whereas the kinase activity of HER3 is defective [7]. Despite this lack of autonomous ability to respond to a ligand, both HER-2 and HER3 form hetrodimeric complexes with other HER receptors that are capable of generating potent ...
receptor (EGFR) or HER3 『21.HER2 oncoprotein overex— pre ssion is oft en correlated w ith the grow th.metastasis. and therapeutic resistance 『3,4 1.A ccumul ated clinical and lab oratory evidences h ave indicat ed that ov erexpression Of HE R2 /neu may re nder tunqor cells...
(rt.tHne9hw5Oaetahnµ-esa1aMntmlIzotC)yhog5amves0neohe≥ddfyi1dsLfisr0rCvo0otemhpµCreyhMtihomnf)leb.eowiT4xcsh-ihtpbetiploocreoher3ftat-oitenohrnodneert, 42--bproosmitioobnenozf ythloexbyesnuzbysltoitxuyemntowieatsy.mAomveodnfgrothmisthsuebpsaertaotof cthoemmpeotuanodrst,h5ed...