含量测定辣椒素110839-200403常温,避光20mgERBB3重组小鼠 HER3 / ErbB3 蛋白 (His 标签) ProteinRhesus antibody Rh C1orf163 1号染色体开放阅读框163抗体 规格 0.2ml 含量测定联苯110843-9501常温,避光100mgGSK3B重组小鼠 GSK3B 蛋白 (His 标签) ProteinRhesus antibody Rh C1orf159 1号染色体开放阅读框159抗体 ...
receptor (EGFR) or HER3 『21.HER2 oncoprotein overex— pre ssion is oft en correlated w ith the grow th.metastasis. and therapeutic resistance 『3,4 1.A ccumul ated clinical and lab oratory evidences h ave indicat ed that ov erexpression Of HE R2 /neu may re nder tunqor cells...