I have a row vector as the following: x = [1:10, 101:110, 11:20, 111:120] Now I want to convert it to a 2-by-2 cell arrayC, where C(1,1) = {[1:10]} C(1,2) = {[11:20]} C(2,1) = {[101:110]} C(2,2) = {[111:120]} ...
If you want to call a specific element in the cell array, you can use an operation instruction similar to extracting matrix elements. 元胞数组可以和矩阵相互转化,使用到的指令有cell2mat、mat2cell和mum2cell。 Cell arrays can be converted into matrices. The instructions used arecell2mat, mat2cell ...
A cell array is a data type with indexed data containers called cells, where each cell can contain any type of data. For instance, c = {42, rand(5), "abcd"} c = 1×3 cell array {[42]} {5×5 double} {["abcd"]} To access the contents of a cell, enclose indices incurly br...
I have a vector X and want a cell array C containing N copies of that vector. How do I do that? Here is how I am doing it now: X = 1:5; N = 3; C = mat2cell( repmat( X, N, 1 ), ones( N, 1 ), size( X, 2 ) ); This just feels like something that should be a...
I have a 1279x1 cell array containing timestamps and I want to convert it as a 1279x1 vector of interpretable time format. My ultimate goal would be to get a vector with the time differences between 2 successive timestamps and get the mean of this vector. ...
linspaceis similar to the colon operator:, but it gives direct control over the number of points and always includes the endpoints. The sibling functionlogspacegenerates logarithmically spaced values. When you create a vector to index into a cell array or structure array (such ascellName{:}orstr...
Daniel Boateng2019년 5월 22일 0 링크 번역 편집:Jan2019년 5월 22일 채택된 답변:Jan Please how do i convert a cell array like a ={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','8'}; to be b = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8]. I tried the function cell...
The functionarrayfuncan be used to extract the values of the fieldafrom each structure within the cell arrayaleand store them in a vector calledale_vecwithout explicitly using aforloop. ale{1}.a = 0; ale{2}.a = 1; ale{3}.a = 1.5; ...
下面的代码避免使用cell arrays,只是估计了每个向量中的元素数,这使代码更加清晰。将cell arrays用于这...
空数组(empty array):没有元素的数组 标量(scalar):是指1 × 1 1\times11×1的矩阵,即为只含一个数的矩阵 向量(vector):是指1 × n 1\times n1×n或n × 1 n\times 1n×1的矩阵,即为只有一行或一列的矩阵 矩阵(matrix):是一个矩形的m × n m\times nm×n数组,即二维数组 ...