MATLAB Online에서 열기 hello, i´m about to write a script that automatically computes some differential operatores for a given coordinate system. " clear; 테마복사 syms r phi z; %Dimension N of coordinate system N = 3; x = cell(1,N); x{1} = r * cos(phi); x{...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 a ={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','8'}; n = str2double(a) This can be faster under some conditions: n = sscanf(sprintf('%s ', a{:}),'%d').' cell2matconverts the cell array of char vectors to a char matrix. But this does not con...
now i want to save the content of ta{:,1} into a vector tmp and than compute the 2-norm of this vector... i already tried something like this: " 主题复制 tmp = ta{1,:}; b{1} = Norm(tmp,2); " but with this i get the following error " Undefined function 'Norm' for input...
Type of file, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'FileType' and a character vector or string containing 'text' or 'spreadsheet'. The 'FileType' name-value pair must be used with the filename input argument. You do not need to specify the 'FileType' name-value pair argumen...
In MATLAB I have this vector: Y=[0 4 6] and I need to convert it to this format X={'0' '4' '6'}. Not sure how to do it. Thank you 6 Comments Show 4 older comments Walter Robersonon 3 Feb 2025 @Pierre Use any of the techniques indicated by@Stephen23 ...
Converting cell vector to symbolic vectorit doesnt work because if my cell vector ist x_cell=[sin(t) ; t] and i convert this as shown above i get x_sym=[sin(t) ; t]
File name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Depending on the location you are writing to,filenamecan take on one of these forms. Location Form Current folder To write to the current folder, specify the name of the file infilename. ...
Apri in MATLAB Online I have a row vector as the following: x = [1:10, 101:110, 11:20, 111:120] Now I want to convert it to a 2-by-2 cell arrayC, where C(1,1) = {[1:10]} C(1,2) = {[11:20]} C(2,1) = {[101:110]} ...
positive integer|positive vector of integers Dimension ofA, specified as a positive integer or a vector of positive integers.dimmust be between 1 andndims(A). Elements do not need to be in numeric order. However,num2cellpermutes the dimensions of the arrays in each cell ofCto match the ord...
numeric vector Vector describing the distribution by rows of the input array, specified as a numeric vector. When you do not specify how to divide A along any other dimension, the mat2cell function returns an n-by-1 cell array C, where n equals the number of elements in rowDist. Each ...