I am importing a spreadsheet into Matlab that has over 15918 vectors. I have one column, column 3, that has characters populated into each of the rows. These variables are designated as "tag" and "vendorname." These two variables are shown in the variable editor as <15918x1 cell>, I n...
This, that you say is "best answer", is the same solution that was posted 23 months earlier at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/286544-how-i-could-convert-matrix-double-to-cell-array-of-string#comment_637933 Also, at the time of the original question, compose(...
Dear Andrei, finally, this code doesn't work because it mixes all the numbers in the numeric array. The version of Azzi just below works well. But thank you for your answer !Thank
% Convert the cell array to a table table_data = table(data{1}, data{2}, data{3}, data{4}, data{5}, data{6}, data{7}, data{8},... 'VariableNames', {'Network','Station','Latitude','Longitude','Elevation','SiteName','StartTime','EndTime'}); ...
F is a cell array containing two equations(as an example) f1=4*x^2-20*x+1/4*(y^2)+8 and f2=1/2*(x*y^2)+2*x-5*y+8. When i try to do F=inline(F) matlab gives an error 'Input must be a string' but i'm already taking the input as ...
Beginning with MATLAB R2012b, you can use the "dataset2cell" command. For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
Convert a string array to a cell array of character vectors. Get str = ["Venus","Earth","Mars"] str =1x3 string"Venus" "Earth" "Mars" Get C = convertStringsToChars(str) C =1x3 cell{'Venus'} {'Earth'} {'Mars'} Process and Return Input Arrays ...
'cell'Cell array 'cellstr'Cell array of character vectors 'categorical'Categorical array 'datetime'Datetime array 'duration'Duration array 'calendarDuration'Calendar duration array If you specify'char'as a data type, thenconvertvarsconverts variables to character arrays. Best practice is to avoid cre...
master 1Branch 0Tags Code README MIT license getclipdata The Matlab functiongetclipdataconverts the contents of the clipboard to a cell array. This function could be useful, for example, to obtain the data copied from Excel. Syntax
To create an array containing the contents of variables that are all cell arrays, use cell2mat(table2cell(T)). These syntaxes return the same array as table2array(T). T{:,:} T.Variables, when the name of the second dimension of the table is the default name, 'Variables' T.(T....