size(image,3)==1 表示图像是灰度图, 等于3为RGB彩色图
('After affine registration'); %% apply tranform matrix to all slices of the image stack for ii = 1:size(imgReg,3) imgReg(:,:,ii) = imwarp(imgReg(:,:,ii), tform,'OutputView',imref2d(size(imgRegMIP))); disp(['Frame-',num2str(ii),' finished']); end imstackwrite(uint16(...
for i = 1:1:image2length %for循环,目的在于转换为二值图像 if image2(i) >=127 image2(i) = 255;end if image2(i) <127 image2(i) = 0;end end image3=reshape(image2,[m,n,p])' %重建二维数组图像,并设为image3 [m,n,p]=size(image1)image3=ones(m,n,p);fo...
[~, Dim]=size(data); [real_label, b]=sort(real_label); data=data(b, :); K=length(unique(real_label)); % number of cluster [~, ID]=unique(real_label); ID=ID-1; image_10=cell(N_samples, K); temp=cell(N_samples, K); Image_samples=[]; for i=1:N_samples for j=1:K...
cc=bwconncomp(bw,4)cc=structwithfields:Connectivity:4ImageSize:[256256]NumObjects:95PixelIdxList:{1x95cell}cc.NumObjectsans=95 查看图像中标记为50的米粒。 grain=false(size(bw));grain(cc.PixelIdxList{50})=true;imshow(grain) 通过创建标签矩阵,然后将其显示为伪彩色索引图像,可视化图像中所有连接的...
Resize the RGB image to have 64 rows. imresize calculates the number of columns automatically. Get RGB2 = imresize(RGB,[64 NaN]); Get the size of the resized image. Get sz = size(RGB2) sz = 1×3 64 86 3 Display the original image and the resized image. Get imshow(RGB) ti...
1. image image函数是MATLAB提供的最原始的图像显示函数(主要彩色显示图象),如: a=[1,2,3,4;4,5,6,7;8,9,10,11,12]; image(a); 2. imshow imshow函数用于灰度图像文件的显示,如: i=imread('e:/w01.tif'); imshow(i); 3. colorbar ...
(2)若m1=1、m2=2、m3=1、m4=3; 条码的排列为空-条-空-条, 则可知条码编码为0110111,是右侧奇性字符8。 3.MATLAB核心程序 %图片转换为灰度图 if size(bar_image,3) == 3 bar_image = rgb2gray(bar_image); else bar_image = bar_image; ...
%--Image size: nx=3280; ny=2460; %--Various other variables (may be ignored if you do not use the Matlab Calibration Toolbox): %--Those variables are used to control which intrinsic parameters should be optimized n_ima=12; %Number of calibration images ...