[m,n,p]=size(image1)image3=ones(m,n,p);for i=1:p t1=m*n*(i-1)+1;t2=m*n*i temp=reshape(image2(t1:t2),m,n);image3(:,:,i)=temp(:,:); %重建二维数组图像,并设为image3 end figure,imshow(image3);--- 效果(原图与二值图):...
'direct'— Interpret the values as indices into the figure’s alphamap. Values with a decimal portion are fixed to the nearest lower integer: If the values are of type double or single, then values of 1 or less map to the first element in the alphamap. Values equal to or greater than...
Figure 1. Variation of grey-scale intensities for an 8-bit image. 2.1.2. MATLAB pixel convention MATLAB uses one-based indexing, where the first pixel along any dimension has index1, whereas many other platforms are zero-based and consider the first index to be 0. By convention, counting ...
im = uiimage creates an image component in a new figure and returns the Image object. MATLAB® calls the uifigure function to create the new figure. Use uiimage to display a picture, icon, or logo in your app. im = uiimage(parent) creates an image component in the specified parent...
不太懂你提问的意思 figure是产生一个新的窗口 imshow是显示图像 比如你imshow(I1) 显示了I1的图像 然后你加了句figure 再打imshow(I2)那么会产生一个新的窗口 并且I2在新窗口中显示。如果不加figure的话 那么I2就会在显示I1的窗口中显示并盖掉I1 不知道你是不是想问这个 ...
MATLAB to ImageJ% same as ImageJ macroMIJ.run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 black do=Nothing");MIJ.run('Threshold');MIJ.run('Watershed');MIJ.run("AnalyzeParticles...", "size=10-Infinity display");imgResult=MIJ.getResultsTable;% pass results table to MATLABfigure(1);histogram...
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% MATLAB 缩小后图像显示是2个小的图并行clear all; I1=imread('D:\我的文档\MATLAB\B08021419\实验相关\标准图像\crowd512x512.bmp');%读入原始图像 [i,j]=size(I1); % I2=zeros(256,256); figure,imshow(I1);title('sourse') ...
Try uiwait and helpdlg while whatever % Make some figure in the loop hFig = figure; % Then pause asking user to ... 11 days ago | 0 Answered How to find the gait energy image(GEI) in matlab from a sequence of gait images saved in a folder?
I1 = insertMarker(I1,strongest1.Location,'star','Size',12); figure; imshow(I1,[]); strongest2 = points2.selectStrongest(10) strongest2 = 10×1 SIFTPoints array with properties: Scale: [10×1 single] Orientation: [10×1 single] Octave: [10×1 int32] Layer: [10×1 int32] Loca...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi All Matlab users, I have an image in .mat file ... I have a problem with display it. clearall; I=load ('Data.mat');% struct double 512x512 I=I.s.I; I=double(I); figure(1); imshow(I); Could someone help me please ?