方法一:saveas % Figure为所需要保存图片的画布号 saveas(Figure,'C:\Users\name.jpg'); % 图片保存在目录C:\Users\,命名为name,图片格式jpg saveas(Figure,'name.jpg'); % 图片保存在当前工作目录下,命名为name,图片格式jpg 方法二:imwrite(需与getframe连用) f=getframe(gcf); % gcf:当前Figure对象...
is there any command which will find out no of figures already generated and then based on that save the figures like this i have to plot for multiple sparameters ..how to save it as figure1 figure2 .figure 3 in jpg format in folder 2018a version 0 Comments Sign...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi, I'm using MATLAB version R2016a on a Mac and I'm having trouble printing a figure to a different directory than the current one. Could someone please help me fix my mistake? I have tried the following code: ...
output_filename);% 输出保存文件的信息% 显示裁剪后的图片(可选)figure;imshow(cropped_img);title(sprintf('Cropped Image %d',i));% 可在这里添加对裁剪后图片的进一步处理或保存操作% 清除当前图形窗口,准备处理
(2, X_train, img);% 将文件夹名作为标签label = folder_name;% 将标签添加到标签数组y_train = [y_train; {label}];% 输出标签值以检查是否有异常disp(['Label for image 'num2str(j)' in folder 'folder_name': 'num2str(label)]);endend% 转换标签为categorical类型y_train = categorical(y_...
(lat,lon); %绘图 figure; % 使用pcolor来绘制数据 pcolor(lon, lat, data); %colorbar; % 显示颜色条 %'lat',[boundary(3) boundary(4)],'lon',[boundary(1) boundary(2) m_proj('Stereographic','LON',[boundary(3) boundary(4)],'LAT',[boundary(1) boundary(2)]);%确定投影方式和绘图界线...
figure for i = 1:numel(idx) subplot(2,2,i) I = readimage(imdsTest,idx(i)); label = YPred(idx(i)); imshow(I) title(char(label)) end % 针对测试集的分类准确度 accuracy = mean(YPred == YTest) % 基于较浅特征训练分类器
we move on to actually controlling the car. We will get the RGB sensor data and try to control the car using the keyboard. Set up the Carla environment in MATLAB and attach a RGB sensor to it. For the purpose of getting input from MATLAB, we will create a small figure and get key ...
Other typical parameters are: verbose (whether to print a bunch of informative messages, useful when debugging), saveFig (boolean) and saveDir (whether to save the figure in saveDir for plotting functions). Importantly, dp can also be the path to a merged dataset, generated with npyx.merge...
Live Editor Controls: Select folders interactively in live scripts using file browser Live Editor Accessibility: Interact with inline output using the keyboard Live Editor Export: Interactively customize export options, such as document paper size, orientation, margins, and figure format export Function:...