I have used xlwrite to make an excel, but it automatically saved in the working folder, how can I change the saving directory, I know I might need to use actxserver, but I was not clear what to do exactly. Thank you, any help is appreciated. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달...
Save Search Path to Specific Folder Save the current search path topathdef.mlocated in the folder,I:/my_matlab_files. savepathI:/my_matlab_files/pathdef.m Input Arguments collapse all folderName—Folder name string array|character vector ...
Save Search Path to Specific Folder Save the current search path topathdef.mlocated in the folder,I:/my_matlab_files. savepathI:/my_matlab_files/pathdef.m Input Arguments collapse all folderName—Folder name string array|character vector ...
Save Specific Variables to MAT-File Copy Code Copy Command Create and save two variables, p and q, to a file named pqfile.mat. Get p = rand(1,10); q = ones(10); save("pqfile.mat","p","q") The save function saves the variables to the file pqfile.mat, in the current fol...
Save Specific Variables to MAT-File Copy Code Copy Command Create and save two variables, p and q, to a file named pqfile.mat. Get p = rand(1,10); q = ones(10); save("pqfile.mat","p","q") The save function saves the variables to the file pqfile.mat, in the current fol...
% Note, if you're saving an image you can use imsave() instead of uiputfile().
1 링크 번역 MATLAB Online에서 열기 Right after you call imresize() make up the output filename and call imwrite(): fullOutputFileName = fullfile(OutputFolder1, filenames(n).name); imwrite(rez1, fullOutputFilename);
doesn't do any saving at all; it just returns the filename selected by the user for the subsequent file operation. You need to follow up with a call to You
I have a sequence of dicom images named S000009.dcm S0000010.dcm etc. I want to crop them with known values and save them in another folder which I create with mkdir. So far, I have come up with this. Any idea why is not working?
Open in MATLAB Online I want to save multiple figures to the same folder, with the name of figure_1, figure_2, etc. Here is the code: x = 1:5; y = [1,1,1,1,1] z = [2,2,2,2,2] a = [3,3,3,3,3] b = [4,4,4,4,4] ...