指定保存的文件名和路径: 你可以在saveas或print函数中直接指定保存的文件名和路径。例如: matlab % 保存到指定路径和文件名 saveas(h, fullfile('C:\path\to\your\folder', 'myfigure.png')); print(h, '-dpng', fullfile('C:\path\to\your\folder', 'myfigure.png')); 通过以上方法,你可以轻...
plot(x,y) figure; plot(x,z) figure; plot(x,a) figure; plot(x,b) figure; plot(x,c)
Hi! How can I make the folder where I want to save my figure vary? This line works but I would like to create a variable for the folder so that I could decide where to store my fig. savefig(figure(1),[pwd '/results/h.fig'],'compact'); I tried with fullfile but I think I ...
savePDF is a simple function, nicely crop the MatLAB figure and save it as PDF to a designated directory. If the directory doesn't exist, it creates one. plot_name = name of the figure (e.g., 'My_Figure') plot_path = folder to be saved as PDF (e.g., './My_Folder') ...
How can I save a figure within app designer?. Learn more about app developer, graphics, save, figure
figure(k); plot(foo); temp=['fig',num2str(k),'.png']; saveas(gca,temp); end In this particular code i have 10 figures. How can i save all these figures in one single folder.댓글 수: 1 Stephen23 2017년 6월 6일 How to read multiple files is explained extensi...
单击Script选项打开M文件编辑器;单击Function选项打开一个函数编辑器模板;单击Class选项打开一个类编辑器模板;单击Figure选项打开一个空白的图形窗口;单击Variable选项打开工作空间窗口;单击Model选项打开创建新模型的窗口;单击GUI打开创建新的图形用户界面对话框;单击Deployment Project选项打开创建工程对话框。
方法一:saveas % Figure为所需要保存图片的画布号 saveas(Figure,'C:\Users\name.jpg'); % 图片保存在目录C:\Users\,命名为name,图片格式jpg saveas(Figure,'name.jpg'); % 图片保存在当前工作目录下,命名为name,图片格式jpg 方法二:imwrite(需与getframe连用) f=getframe(gcf); % gcf:当前Figure对象...
Resolution- by default, export_fig exports bitmaps at screen resolution. However, you may wish to save them at a different resolution. You can do this using either of two options:-m<val>, where is a positive real number, magnifies the figure by the factor for export, e.g.-m2produces ...
(lat,lon); %绘图 figure; % 使用pcolor来绘制数据 pcolor(lon, lat, data); %colorbar; % 显示颜色条 %'lat',[boundary(3) boundary(4)],'lon',[boundary(1) boundary(2) m_proj('Stereographic','LON',[boundary(3) boundary(4)],'LAT',[boundary(1) boundary(2)]);%确定投影方式和绘图界线...