I want to save multiple figures to the same folder, with the name of figure_1, figure_2, etc. Here is the code: x = 1:5; y = [1,1,1,1,1] z = [2,2,2,2,2] a = [3,3,3,3,3] b = [4,4,4,4,4] c = [5,5,5,5,5] figure; plot(x,y) figure; plot(x,z)...
saveas(gca,temp); end In this particular code i have 10 figures. How can i save all these figures in one single folder.댓글 수: 1 Stephen23 2017년 6월 6일 How to read multiple files is explained extensively in the documentation, on this forum, and in the wiki: https...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I currently have a code that outputs a number of figures. I am trying to find a way for me to save the files automatically using the title of the figure as the file name. The following code works for a figure with a single plot, but it returns an error...
18_Publication quality figures in Matlab _ Import data _ Export graph to high re 转动不变 22 0 22_How to find maxima and minima of an experimental data in Matlab_ 转动不变 16 0 6_Numerical integration of discrete experimental data in matlab 转动不变 19 0 17_Baseline correction and ...
delete('figures/*.*') end FolderName = 'figures'; % Your destination folder FigList = findobj(allchild(0), 'flat', 'Type', 'figure'); for iFig = 1:length(FigList)-1 FigHandle = FigList(iFig); FigName = get(FigHandle, 'Name'); saveas(FigHandle, fullfile(FolderName, [Fi...
This code is really close to done! I would like to be able to use the buttons to choose folders on where to save the formats of the plots that are created during the code. I would also like to have the text box to the right of the buttons ...
I have had the same problem. Since there is a mistake in Matlab’s preferences, the actual error occurred while saving the .fig-file. Thus, the figures you've already created are probably lost. However, to avoid this problem in future I'll quickly describe the workaround that solved the ...
After the figure showed up, I tried to save it as a PDF file, and that action took more than 15 minutes before the PDF file finally showed up in my folder. I run my Matlab from the command-line prompt, with the following script: ThemeCopy #!/bin/bash export ...
export_fig../subdir/fig.png; export_fig('C:/Users/Me/Documents/figures/myfig','-pdf','-png'); Variable file names- often you might want to save a series of figures in a for loop, each with a different name. For this you can use the functional form of input arguments, i.e.expo...
The figures can also be saved to .fig files (the output .fig files are saved to folder “test/output_files/matlab_figures/”) by settingsave_matlab_figures='yes'; % (for numerical solution) save_exact_matlab_figures='yes'; % (for exact solution) ...