指示: - 如果在当前工作目录中,将函数 save_all_figures_to_directory.m 放在第一位- 第二次从脚本中调用函数 save_all_figures_to_directory(dir_name, extra)。 定义: “dir_name” = 目录名称。 “额外” = 添加到每个图形名称的附加信息。 “类型” =图形的类型(“ .png”或“ .jpg”)。 必须是...
% Save an image filename = ['iteration' num2str(iteration)]; saveas(1, [filename '.png']); % Close the figures close all end The above code usually crashes with a Segmentation Violation somewhere around iteration 15 or so. Any idea what would be causing this to crash? Is there a ...
(R2014a or newer),saveFigureuses Matlab's new internal SVG engine, i.e.print -dsvg, which faithfully reproduces Matlab figures as SVG. For older versions, the code for generating SVGs is essentially a nice wrapper aroundJuerg Schwizer'splot2svg utility, with a few minor tweaks. The ...
saveas(FigHandle, fullfile(FolderName, [FigName, '.png'])) end disp('closing figures'); close all end 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Chao Gong on 19 Jun 2019 Vote 1 Link Hello David: I am using the same method answer by you David on 4 Apr 2018. However, I tried to ...
saveas(Fig,'C:\Users\XXX\Documents\MATLAB\Fig1.png')saveas(Fig,'C:\Users\XXX\Documents\MATLAB\Fig2','png')saveas(Fig,['C:\Users\XXX\Documents\MATLAB\Figures\', 'Fig3','.png']) 2. print 函 代码语言:javascript 复制 print(Fig,'SpringBack','-dpng','-r600') ...
mkdir(saveFolder); end % Save all open figures in the specified formats figHandles = findobj('Type','figure'); fori = 1:numel(figHandles) % Save as JPG saveas(figHandles(i), fullfile(saveFolder, ['figure_', num2str(i),'.jpg'])); ...
close all % close any figures saved by accident in file figure(1); set(gcf, 'Position', [0,1000,400,300]) ncpy = length(cpy_grid); nary = length(ary_grid); s=surf(repmat(cpy_grid',[1,nary]),repmat(ary_grid,[ncpy,1]),fmin); ...
Note thatf = figuredoesn't work, otherwise it would be easy to save as PNG: f=figure; uit = uitable(f,'Data', t); Errorusing uitable Functionalitynot supported with figures created with the figure function. For more information, seeGraphics Support in App Designer. ...
The following table shows thesupportedoutputformats for exporting from figures and the switch settings to use. In some cases, a format is available both as a MATLAB output filter and as a Ghostscript output filter. All formats except for EMF are supported on both Windows and UNIX platforms....
% basic_calculus_operations.m % MATLAB script for basic calculus operations: derivative and indefinite integral % Clear existing variables and close figures clear; close all; clc; % Define a symbolic variable syms x; % Define the function for which we want to perform calculus operations f = in...