I'm trying to save a large number of plots in a for loop using the saveas and sprintf functions. The figures appear fine in MATLAB. If I manually save them they appear fine as well. However, when I save them with sprintf and saveas the dashed lines turn to solid lines half way acr...
To open figures saved with the .fig extension, use the openfig function. This format is not valid for Simulink block diagrams. 'm' or 'mfig'— Save the figure as a MATLAB figure file and additionally create a MATLAB file that opens the figure. To open the figure, run the MATLAB file...
指示: - 如果在当前工作目录中,将函数 save_all_figures_to_directory.m 放在第一位- 第二次从脚本中调用函数 save_all_figures_to_directory(dir_name, extra)。 定义: “dir_name” = 目录名称。 “额外” = 添加到每个图形名称的附加信息。 “类型” =图形的类型(“ .png”或“ .jpg”)。 必须是...
SAVEFIGURES saves all, or a subset of, the currently open MATLAB figures to a single .mat file. The file name and path can be supplied as input or, by default, a file selection dialog box is opened for specifying the file. Use OPENFIGURES to re-open the figures saved by saveFigures....
Saving figures as conventional graphics (png or jpg, etc) gives this error message: MATLAB:dispatcher:loadLibrary Can't reload '/usr/local/matlab/R2008b/bin/glnxa64/libmwdastudio.so'. ??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback The library 'libmwdastud...
MATLAB. If you usesaveto save a figure, then the function displays a warning message. Delete any figures before usingsave. Keep in mind that the figures might not be directly in your workspace, but might, for example, be stored in a structure or in the workspace of a callback function....
though this could simply be a matter of setting the correct flags. So Matlab is only responsible for generating the SVG. For newer versions of Matlab (R2014a or newer),saveFigureuses Matlab's new internal SVG engine, i.e.print -dsvg, which faithfully reproduces Matlab figures as SVG. Fo...
Using save to save a figure in R2014b or later makes a MAT-file inaccessible in earlier versions of MATLAB. If you use save to save a figure, then the function displays a warning message. Delete any figures before using save. Keep in mind that the figures might not be directly in ...
Saving MATLAB Figures via Command Line: A Guide Solution 1: Use saveas: h=figure; plot(x,y,'-bs','Linewidth',1.4,'Markersize',10); % ... saveas(h,name,'fig') saveas(h,name,'jpg') By using this method, the plot is generated and saved in both '.jpg' and '.fig' formats ...
MATLAB AND LATEX EXAMPLES This seems as good a place as any for anOur goal is to present some examples that may facilitate the use of LATEX and MATLAB. This document itself is the L... ERNIE,RYAN 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Thesis Title This report describes the use of LATEX to format a th...