Matlab - How to save the plotted figure automatically, Try this one. Use the 'figure' call to set and get the figure's properties and plot your data. f=figure; %%your data will go after this for plotting. Save the image with the filename. saveas (f, [File_Name '_.png']) %% f...
ai. MATLAB automatically appends the ai extension for an Illustrator format filebecause no extension was specified。 saveas(gcf,'logo’, ’ill’)Example 3: Specify File Format and ExtensionSave thecurrent figure to the file star。eps using the Level 2 Color PostScript format。 If youuse doc ...
I'm making figures in MATLAB and want to export them in .svg to work with them in other programs. So far, that has been no problem, but I'm stumbling into something odd now. I'm trying to export this figure: As you can see, this works fine in .png. This is also what the fig...
matlab 保存图片的四种方法 1 从菜单保存 回目录 可以保存为 fig,eps,jpeg,gif,png,bmp 等格式。 2 复制粘贴 回目录 edit〉copy figure,再粘贴到其他程序,如word 3 saveas 函数 回目录 saveas(gca,filename,fileformat) 不过此函数不好用常常出错 4 print 函数 回目录 x=-pi:2*pi/300:pi; y=sin(x...
matlab保存图片的四种方法从菜单保存<<回目录可以保存为fig,eps,jpeg,gif,png,bmp等格式。复制粘贴<<回目录edit---〉copyfigure,再粘贴到其他程序,如wordsaveasprint>>x=-pi:2*pi/300:pi;>>y=sin(x);>>plot(x,y);>>print(gcf,'-dpng','abc.png') png>>pwdD:\Matlab\work>>dir>>%现在到D:\...
When I plot a figure, I use "set(gca, 'FontSize', 6.0);" to set axes' font to size 6 pt. However, when I save the figure to pdf format, I can see matlab automatically enlarge the figure in displaying window, and then saves it, and finally the fo...
在figure中显示处理后的图像,都会在图像的四周留有空白区域,无论如何改变窗口大小,图像只能缩放,无法去掉空白区域,saveas保存成文件的图片四周也有空白。如何只保存原始图像区域... 在figure中显示处理后的图像,都会在图像的四周留有空白区域,无论如何改变窗口大小,图像只能缩放,无法去掉空白区域,saveas保存成文件的图片...
imshow('rice.png'); impixelinfo 3、使用Figure窗口的“Data cursor”图标来查看; 4、使用imview来查看; clc; clear all; close all; imview('rice.png'); strcmp:Compare strings withcase sensitivity C/C++函数,比较两个字符串 设这两个字符串为str1,str2, ...
채택된 답변:Walter Roberson Saving plot into png changes the fontsize (only) of the XTickLabel and YTickLabel automatically, undependently on the fontsize parameter changed in the code beforehand. Saving the image with "saveas" produces the problem, but first saving it into .fig, ...
How can I save a figure within app designer?. Learn more about app developer, graphics, save, figure