MATLAB Documentation: Read audio file - MATLAB audioread. This MATLAB function reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y, and a sample rate for that data, Fs.
Read audio file Syntax [y,Fs] = audioread(filename) [y,Fs] = audioread(filename,samples) [y,Fs] = audioread(___,dataType) Description [y,Fs] = audioread(filename)reads data from the file namedfilename, and returns sampled data,y, and a sample rate for that data,Fs. [y,Fs] =...
以下是用于描述听歌识曲系统的类图: usesusesAudioProcessor+readAudio(filePath)+extractFeatures()ModelTrainer+trainModel(features, labels)SongRecognizer+recognizeSong(audio) 在这个类图中,我们可以看到AudioProcessor、ModelTrainer和SongRecognizer的关系,分别负责音频处理、模型训练和歌曲识别。 结论 通过上述步骤,我们...
audioread函数的基本用法是[data, Fs] = audioread('filename'),其中filename是音频文件的路径。确保你没有误用函数或传递了错误的参数。查看Matlab的当前工作目录是否与文件所在目录一致: 你可以在MATLAB命令窗口中使用pwd命令查看当前工作目录。 如果当前工作目录不是文件所在的目录,你可以使用cd命令切换到正确的目录...
Read audio file Syntax [y,Fs] = audioread(filename) [y,Fs] = audioread(filename,samples) [y,Fs] = audioread(___,dataType) Description [,] = audioread() reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y, and a sample rate for that data, Fs. [,] = audioread...
项目需要,读出识别的车牌,对着图片看看是否识别正确。 有了0到9和A到Z,32个省份的音频,但是如何用matlab读出来,老版本有wavread直接读出,然后waveplay读入的即可。但是现在的是audioplayer了,对应的audiorecorder是录音用的,他是waveread的前身,然而
MATLAB Online에서 열기 [y,fs]=audioread('handel.wav'); ft = y(:,1); sigLength = length(ft);%length t=(0:sigLength-1)/fs; figure; plot(t(1:200), ft(1:200)),grid; xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Amplitude');
使用 hasdata 和 read 命令绘制集合中的振动信号 reset(ens) ens.SelectedVariables = "Vibration"; ...
[mp3Y, mp3Fs] = audioread(mp4FileName); 然后将两个返回值合成mp3播放器对象: % prepare mp3player obj mp3player = audioplayer(mp3Y, mp3Fs); (3)搭建播放视频的Matlab GUI框架(表面) function y = matlabgui_mp4Player(~) % prepare mp4FileName = 'Friends.mp4'; ...