When used with, you can access functions for disciplines like algebra and calculus. Perform analytical computations such asandas well asalgebraic and ordinary differential equations. Visualize analytical functions in 2D and 3D. Use MATLAB Mobile as a calculator and work with dimensioned physical quantiti...
I'm trying to make a GUI that takes in answers from multiple study participants. In the GUI, I want the participants to rate multiple audio files based on different questions. I've built a basic GUI in App Designer for rating one audio file (with placeholder question titles) and I want ...
MATLAB Compiler supports the full MATLAB language, including objects, most MATLAB toolboxes, and user-developed user interfaces. Simulink Compiler supports command-line simulation features, which work in rapid-accelerator mode, including variable step solvers. The table below outlines the toolboxes compat...
This paper explains and provides code to synthesize and control, in real-time, the audio signals produced by a dynamical system. The code uses only the Matlab programming language. It can be controlled with an external MIDI (Musical Instrument Data Inter
Using the speech files in the folder, the user can create strips plots for each one. The use the built-in zoom features to identify specific regions between a starting and ending point, and play the speech. For full documentation and usage refer to the PDF in the folder. Cite As Siva...
In 2024, we are increasing the frame count to 96 and supporting audio. Your mission? Create a short movie! Whether you are a seasoned MATLAB user or just a beginner, you can participate in the contest and have opportunities to win amazing prizes. Be sure to check out our Blog post for...
This topic contains a listing of built-in MATLAB Code Analyzer checks which you can modify to meet your own custom coding standards.
This topic contains a listing of built-in MATLAB Code Analyzer checks which you can modify to meet your own custom coding standards.
This is a video reader class that reads audio/video files and loads them into memory as an RGB array. It was written to overcome problems due to slow, blocking loading with MATLAB's built in video-reading utilities. It provides a variety of useful functionality, such as callbacks for ...
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