Read audio file - MATLAB audioread - MathWorks 百度网盘安装路径BaiduNetdisk\sounds下有四个wav文件,时长都比较短 选取4.wav进行处理(只有4的通道数为1) 利用hamming窗设计滤波器 Ham.m function[N,h,H,w]=Ham(fp,fs,fc)wp=2*pi*fp/...
MATLAB Documentation: Read audio file - MATLAB audioread. This MATLAB function reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y, and a sample rate for that data, Fs.
% function --> timerFcn function timerFcn(obj, ~, v, hIM) if hasFrame(v) set(hIM,'cdata',readFrame(v)) else stop(obj); end end % % % function --> hFigure_DeleteFcn function hFigure_DeleteFcn(obj, event, hs) stop(t); delete(t); stop(mp3player); end end 补充一些细节: (1)...
wavePlot=plot(axwave,segData);%算频谱[absFFT,fqax]=fftc2(segData,fs);%画频谱 fftPlot=semilogx(axfft,fqax,absFFT);end%该函数另起文件调用function[X,freqRange]=fftc2(x,fs)%输入x,fs为序列和采样率%输出X,fq为fft左侧谱和对应的频率轴%N=length(x);%获取序列长度X=abs(fft(x))/N;%取模...
r=audiorecorder(10000,16,1); recordblocking(r,3); g=getaudiodata(r); m='C:\Users\孙宁宁\Desktop\孙宁宁程序\x2.wav'; audiowrite(m,g,10000);%将音频写入文件 8.编辑“读取”功能 %读取信号 function read_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) ...
%% Set up Audio %Make sure system volume is set to maximum, as all audio is %calibrated to this level. try %Try to use automatic way of maximizing volume (see function %below) SystemVolume(1); catch %Otherwise, require user input to make sure this is the case. ...
3. textread/dataread 如果出现file not found or permission denied,一般是文件路径的问题,可以通过如下的语句进行检查: exist(pathname, 'dir')exist(filename, 'file') File not found pass to next path 分类:MATLAB 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 ...
我的问题是关于可变长度参数列表作为函数参数,它可以包含混合类型的参数。 MATLAB将varargin作为函数参数: varargin Variable length input argument list. Allows any number of arguments to a function. The variable varargin is a cell array contain 浏览0提问于2012-04-22得票数 0 回答已采纳...
function 函数文件头 global 定义全局变量 isglobal 若是全局变量则为真 iskeyword 若是关键字则为真 mfilename 正在执行的M 文件的名字 persistent 定义永久变量 script MATLAB 命令文件 3.4 宗量处理(Augument handling) inputname 实际调用变量名 nargchk 输入变量个数检查 ...