Write the MATLAB statements required to calculate y(x) from the equation. for value ofxbetween -5 and5 insteps of 0.1. 五、(6scores) Write a MATLAB program to plot the function y1=sin(2x)+3 and y2=X2+3X-7for in steps of on the same axes, The plot includes a title ,axis label...
7 通过移动和删除,即保持了图像的完整性,又能凸出我们需要强调的部分。8 % start of programfunction magnify(f1)% magnify(f1)% Figure creates a magnification box when under the mouse position when a button is pressed. Press '+'/'-' while% button pressed to increase/decrea...
3.Plot the 3Dmeshfigureand3Dsurface figureof the function in the range of and ,respectively. x=-4:1/100:4; y=-4:1/100:4; z=9(1-x)^2*exp(-x’^2/2-(y’+1)^2) mesh(x,y,z); surf(x,y,z); 四.综合编程题(每小题11分,共22分) 1.Write afunction programtocomputethefollow...
We can use the Gtext (TXT) function to add text to mark TXT, and the position is given by clicking the mouse email when the program is running. 代码如下: Code shows as below: 运行结果如下: The results are as follows: 5.更改线条外观(Change the line appearance) 我们可以通过调用plot函数...
For instance, instead of having to type the formula Rparallel = (R1∗R2)/(R1+R2) every time you need it, just create a program called Rparallel.m. • Hide complexity. A user can call a program called plotFigure2(), for instance, without having to remember or understand how plot...
% use this program to reproduce Fig. 5.14 of textclear alleps = 1.5e-5;t = 0:0.001:.5;y = chirp(t,0,.25,20);figure(1)plot(t,y);yfft = fft(y,512) ;ycomp = fftshift(abs(ifft(yfft .* conj(yfft)));maxval = max (ycomp);ycomp = eps + ycomp ./ maxval;figure(1)...
Matplotlib is designed to provide a plotting interface that is similar to the plot() function in MATLAB, so people switching from MATLAB should find it somewhat familiar. Although the core functions in Matplotlib are for 2-D data plots, there are extensions available that allow plotting in ...
so you can make it by using loop or matlab FFT function directly, hope this help: %%using loop %a is a constant clear a=2; N=100; fork=1:N X(k)=0; forn=1:N%this include u(n) x(n)=a.^n; X(k)= X(k)+(x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*...
Warning: Function mtimes has the same name as a MATLAB built-in. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict. Warning: Function mtimes has the same name as a MATLAB built-in. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict. a = 1x3 string...
I am trying to estimate the Jacobian of a multivariable function in Matlab. I came across a method here: http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-CMM53T/index.html?product=OP&solution=1-CMM53T that recommends using the function lsqnonlin. As an example, I define the function...