MATLAB Online에서 열기 테마복사 %i want to plot the function y=@(x) ((x.^2).*cos(pi.*x))/(((x.^3)+1).*(x+2)); where x increases from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오....
MATLAB is a widely used tool for plotting different functions of different types. It allows us to plot 2D or 3D plots. Plotting a function of two variables is a common task used for data visualization. MATLAB enables us to plot such functions using MATLAB’s built-in functions. In this bl...
i am facing a problem plotting this function .m ThemeCopy function f=objfun244(tp) % The objective function: total cost per unit time if replacement interval is tp % Assumption: The smallest time unit is week. % f: total cost per unit time % tp: Length of the time interval in Weeks...
Matlab has programming language features such as program structure control, function call, data structure, input and output,object-oriented, etc. It is easy to learn and has high programming efficiency. Programming through Matlab can complete specific tasks. Matlab 丰富的工具箱: Matlab's rich toolb...
1. 基本绘图函数(Basic plotting function):Plot, semilogx, semilogy, loglog, polar, plotyy (1). 单矢量绘图(single vector plotting):plot(y),矢量y的元素与y元素下标之间在线性坐标下的关系曲线。 例1:单矢量绘图 y=[0 0.6 2.3 5 8.3 11.7 15 17.7 19.4 20]; plot(y) ...
The goal is that the function in the interval [1,2) is defined by x+1 in the interval [2,3) is defined by x+2 in the interval [3,4) by x+3 etc. The function described here is a minimal example. I am appreciated for any help. ...
11.4绘图(Plotting) ezcontour 画等位线 ezcontourf 画填色等位线 ezmesh 绘制网格图 ezmeshc 绘制含等高线的网格图 ezplot 绘制曲线 ezplot3 绘制3 维曲线 ezpolar 采用极坐标绘图 ezsurf 画曲面图 ezsurfc 画带等位线的曲面图 fplot 画函数曲线图 11.5内联函数对象(Inline function object) ...
functionWr disp ('t is greater than 28 and less than or equal to 56') end end functiongraph;W (1,56) N=1000; n=(56-1)/N; x=[1:.055:56]; i=1:length(x); F(i)=W(x(i)); end plot(x,F) xlabel('Time') ylabel('Body Weight') ...
MATLAB basic plotting functions Plot:x轴和y轴均为线性刻度(Linear scale) Loglog:x轴和y轴均为对数刻度(Logarithmic scale) Semilogx:x轴为对数刻度,y轴为线性刻度 Semilogy:x轴为线性刻度,y轴为对数刻度 Plot: Both the x-axis and the y-axis are linear scales (Linear scale) ...
filtercoll - Filter COLLECTION according to filter function PLOTTING FUNCTIONS绘图函数 pianoroll - Plots the NMAT as a "pianoroll" notation 绘钢琴图 pianoroll(nmat,varargin) plotdist - Plots pitch-class-, interval- or duration-distributions or transitions绘出三种分布 能量 plotdist(pcdist2(getmid...