完全没问题的,可以画的 clear all;clc;A=magic(10);
Here is a plot of the objective function over the feasible region, the region that satisfies both constraints, pictured above in dark red, along with a small red circle around the optimal point: W = log(1 + 3*(Y - (X.^3 - X)).^2 + (X - 4/3).^2);% W = the objective...
MATLAB Answers I want to know how to plot the intersection of a 3D picture with a plane. 1 Answer Need to draw a polygon on the figure from scatter3d function. 0 Answers 3D plotting of five inequalities 1 Answer Machine Learning with Text: Get Started with Text Ana...
plot(k,d,'r - .',k,s,'b - -',k,x,'g -');这句是错误的,都提示了啊Error in color/linetype argument.。单引号内不要有空格,你试试看。下边的那条也是如此
python matlabplot using in virtulenv virtulenv 建立后显示matlabplot 需要是framework 解决方法: importmatplotlibmatplotlib.use('TkAgg')importmatplotlib.pyplotasplt In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen
plot(r,-40+(0.9*0.043*(1+2.71828)*16-2*0.9*0.043*(-40)+0.9*0.043*34*(1+2.71828)*r)/(0.043*(0.142+0.9-0.142*0.9*0.7)+0.142*0.9*r*r'),'r+:')上面为什么用中括号?又不是让你写数学公式。最后那里应该 r*r',矩阵乘法行乘列 不过也许你的本意不想...