Convert region of interest (ROI) polygon to region mask collapse all in page Syntax BW = poly2mask(xi,yi,m,n) Description BW= poly2mask(xi,yi,m,n)computes a binary region of interest (ROI) mask,BW, of sizem-by-n, from an ROI polygon with vertices at coordinatesxiandyi. If the...
matlab开发-MPOLY2Maskconvertmultipleepolygonstoamask(MPOLY2Maskconvertmultipleepolygonstoamask)。将具有多个边界轮廓的对象转换为逻辑遮罩 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 (自适应手机版)响应式网络推广公司企业.txt 2024-11-09 13:23:25 积分:1 (自适应手机版)响应式网络设计金融各行业企业通用网站模板下载.txt...
Create the mask specifying the size of the image. bw = poly2mask(x,y,256,256); Display the mask, drawing a line around the polygon. imshow(bw) holdonplot(x,y,'b','LineWidth',2) holdoff Create Mask Using Random Points to Define Polygon ...
MPOLY2MASK Convert multiple region-of-interest polygons to a mask. BW = mpoly2mask(XY, BWSIZE) computes a binary region-of-interest mask, BW, from multiple region-of-interest polygons represented by XY. The size of BW (in rows, columns) is given in the 2-element BWSIZE. The...
matrix =zeros(x, y); points = [x1 y1; x2 y2; x3 y3; x4 y4]; How do I set all the bits in the matrix enclosed by the polygon formed by these points? I'm aware of thefill functionbut that seems to just plot the shape rather than filling in the matrix. ...
使用drawpolygon函数在图表上创建多边形ROI 。指定多边形的顶点作为注册点。 chartROI=drawpolygon("Position",registrationPoints); 使用createMask函数将多边形ROI转换为二进制掩模。 mask_chart=createMask(chartROI); 翻转掩模。图表中的像素不包括在掩模中,其余场景的像素包括在掩模中。
imageSize=bim.Size(maskLevel,1:2); 创建一个标记的块图像。将原始块图像bim的空间参考保持在所需的分辨率级别。默认情况下,不属于任何 ROI 的像素被分配了数字标签0。 bROILabels=polyToBlockedImage(roiPositions,roiLabelIDs,imageSize,BlockSize=bim.BlockSize(maskLevel,1:2),...WorldStart=bim.WorldStart...
可以看到,不管机械臂如何运动,末端连杆(局部坐标系)的位置始终不动(但是它的姿态会改变,矩阵mask 的作用就是滤掉转动分量,只剩下沿 x 、 y 、 z x、y、z x、y、z 轴的平移运动)。BodyJacobian 函数用于计算本体雅可比矩阵,它也来自于 Screws 工具包 [ 3 ] ^{[3]} [3]。零空间是个线性空间,如果...
Polygon regionfill regionfill区域填充 利⽤内向插值实现区域填充 J=regionfill(I,mask) 填充由掩码定义的图像,⾮零像素被填充 利⽤该函数可以剔除图像中的对象,或者利⽤邻域像素替换⽆效的像素值 注意填充的时候利⽤的是邻域的像素值,然后填充的算法是向内插值 ...
gray2ind,Convertgrayscaleorbinaryimagetoindexedimage,将灰度或二值图像转换为索引图像 ind2gray,Convertindexedimagetograyscaleimage,将索引图像转换为灰度图像 mat2gray,Convertmatrixtograyscaleimage,转换矩阵到灰度图像 rgb2gray,ConvertRGBimageorcolormaptograyscale,将RGB图像的灰度或颜色表 ind2rgb,Convertindexedimag...