使用drawpolygon函数在图表上创建多边形ROI 。指定多边形的顶点作为注册点。 chartROI=drawpolygon("Position",registrationPoints); 使用createMask函数将多边形ROI转换为二进制掩模。 mask_chart=createMask(chartROI); 翻转掩模。图表中的像素不包括在掩模中,其余场景的像素包括在掩模中。 mask_scene=~mask_chart; 要...
There is no set of 7 triangles which is going to be able to get you the “right” colors in this case. The only way to do this correctly is to subdivide the interior of the polygon until your elements are small enough that a linear approximation is good enough. The patch object doesn...
使用drawpolygon函数在图表上创建多边形ROI 。指定多边形的顶点作为注册点。 chartROI=drawpolygon("Position",registrationPoints); 使用createMask函数将多边形ROI转换为二进制掩模。 mask_chart=createMask(chartROI); 翻转掩模。图表中的像素不包括在掩模中,其余场景的像素包括在掩模中。 mask_scene=~mask_chart; 要...
gray2ind,Convertgrayscaleorbinaryimagetoindexedimage,将灰度或二值图像转换为索引图像 ind2gray,Convertindexedimagetograyscaleimage,将索引图像转换为灰度图像 mat2gray,Convertmatrixtograyscaleimage,转换矩阵到灰度图像 rgb2gray,ConvertRGBimageorcolormaptograyscale,将RGB图像的灰度或颜色表 ind2rgb,Convertindexedimag...
pencilROI(gcf,'polygon'); %modify an existing ROI pencilROI(gcf,'move'); %move an existing ROI pencilROI(gcf,'exit'); %exit function pencilROI --To extract a Mask-- rois=findobj(gcf,'type','line'); %here you will get a vector containing all drawn ROIs in the current figure ...
poly3 = drawpolygon; %binary image bi1 = poly1.createMask(); bi2 = poly2.createMask(); bi3 = poly3.createMask(); inside = bi1 & bi2 % Get coordinates of the boundary of the freehand drawn region. structBoundariesa = bwboundaries(bi1); ...
Hi all, I have some problems regarding find the vertices of the mask. I obtained the mask from using function impoly. My mask is a polygon with 4 vertices. since i want to use shapeinserter to draw on my frame, the coordinates i will need is [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x4 y4]...
Do not add answers just to ask a question again! Moved an answer into a comment: "Are there any solution to get the inscribed circle inside an irregular polygone? thnak you" John D'Errico 2018년 2월 1일 편집: John D'Errico 2018년 2...
Use poly2mask to convert the convex hull polygon to a binary image mask. A few days later Brendan came back to tell me that, although my description was clear, the code that I wrote ten years ago for regionprops actually does something else. Oops. I looked at the code and realized ...
for impolygon for how to make sure that %# your line is inside the pixel img = poly2mask(...