层级二进制 CNN 代码(Hierarchical binary CNN code):通过预定义的 relu mask 优化 CNN 图像完成(Image completion with CNN):通过边界条件优化 参考 可视化方法根据《Mahendran and Vedaldi. Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them》进行了改良。 说明书 演示1:可视化单一神经元(V_neuronInv.m) ...
I have a image which is uint16, when I take an 'imrect' and create a mask I loose the range of pixel values. They change from 0-65535 to 0-1. How do I specify when creating the mask that it is not binary? H =imrect;
1.什么是掩膜 首先我们从物理的角度来看看mask到底是什么过程。 在半导体制造中,许多芯片工艺步骤采用光刻技术,用于这些步骤的图形“底片”称为掩膜(也称作“掩模”),其作用是:在硅片上选定的区域中对一个不透明的图形模板遮盖,继而下面的腐蚀或扩散将只影响选定的区域以外的区域。 地理信息中掩膜与其类似,用选定的...
The problem is that since I've already used the Alphamask on the foreground, I can't superimpose it via: imagesc(background) hold on bimage = imagesc(altered_foreground) set(bimage, 'AlphaData', altered_foreground) (doesn't work compared to if I just want to superimpose...
showMap(no_lines, no_rows, groundIndexes, BTCresult(groundIndexes), imageName); mask = zeros(size(BTCresult)); mask(groundIndexes)=1; BTCresult = mask.*BTCresult; BTCresult = reshape(BTCresult,no_lines,no_rows); if spectralOnly == 0 ...
%dilate image pic = imdilate(pic,se); % --- 点击图像,调用函数 --- img = imagesc(data, 'Parent',handles.display); %点击图像区域,触发该图像的ButtonDownFcn函数,执行adjustMask()函数 set(img,'ButtonDownFcn',{@adjustMask}); %adjustMask函数定义 ...
上面代码中的 wbmask 函数就是根据实际拜耳滤镜的排列生成对应的掩板: function colormask = wbmask(m,n,wbmults,align) % COLORMASK = wbmask(M,N,WBMULTS,ALIGN) % Makes a white-balance multiplicative mask for an image of size m-by-n
除此之外,还可以在Fan-Beam变换数据中用ifaanbeam函数重建图像。 4. 滤波 4.1 目的 运用中值滤波克服线性滤波器所带来的图像细节模糊。 4.2 使用设备 PC兼容机一台,操作系统为Windows2000(或Windows98,WindowsXP,以下默认为Windows2000) 4.3 使用滤波对图像进行增强 ...
源图像origImg; binary 图像maskImg其中0代表背景,1代表要上色的点。 %% Example on how to color select pixels in an image. % The original COLOR image. origImg = imread('ngc6543a.jpg'); % Make sure the values are within 0-255.
ALPHAMASK: Overlay image with semi-transparent mask Overlays a semi-transparent mask over an image. By default the currently displayed figure is overlain. Options include overlay colour and opacity. Returns a handle to the overlay mask.