颜色图是由值组成的矩阵,这些值用于定义诸如曲面、图像以及补片之类的图形对象的颜色。MATLAB 通过将数据值映射到颜色图中的颜色来绘制这些对象。Matlab中预设了数十种不同的colormap颜色图,如图:A colormap is a matrix of values that define the colors for graphics objects such as surface, image, and patc...
% matrixplot(x); % matrixplot(x,'DisplayOpt','off'); % matrixplot(x,'FillStyle','nofill','TextColor','Auto'); % matrixplot(x,'TextColor',[0.7,0.7,0.7],'FigShap','s','FigSize','Auto','ColorBar','on'); % matrixplot(x,'TextColor','k','FigShap','d','FigSize','Full','...
特别提示:此处TheColor仅为作图方便,可以替换为自己的配色。 3. 散点矩阵图绘制 使用‘plotmatrix’命令,绘制未经美化的散点矩阵图。 % S - 散点图的图形线条对象% AX - 每个子坐标区的坐标区对象% BigAx - 容纳子坐标区的主坐标区的坐标区对象% H - 直方图的直方图对象% HAx - 不可见的直方图坐标区的...
colormap(cmap) I'm assuming you want something other than this. Maybe something like this? ThemeCopy figure; A = xlsread('Book1.xlsx'); idx = 1:size(A,1); uv = unique(A(:,2)); hold on for k = 1:numel(uv) mask = A(:,2) == uv(k); plot(idx(mask),A(mask,1),'o'...
%%%% gray colormap, we're going to scale the anatomical image %%%% values so that they are all integers going from 1 to 64 %%%% First scale it from 0 to 1 by dividing by the maximum value. %%%% Because it's a 2D matrix, we have to perform the max() operation ...
其中,colorbar的坐标值调整:caxis([0 1]); colormap的色系调整:colormap hot 3维散点图 scatter 1 2 3 scatter3(x,y,z,24,c,'filled'); % axis([-(R+2) (R+2) -(R+2) (R+2) 0 (h+2)]); colorbar 2维 极坐标热度图 polarPcolor polarPcolor(R_axis, theta, value),前两个为半径...
The contour3 function is used to draw a three-dimensional contour plot of amatrix, and its usage is basically the same as the contour function.【例5】绘制函数图片的等高线图形,并使用cool颜色图。 [Example 5] Draw the contour graph of the function picture and use the cool color map.[X,Y]...
Contour plot of matrix 矩阵的等高线图 等高线图显示矩阵Z的等值线。使用clabel标记轮廓线。 contour(Z) 绘制矩阵Z的等高线图,其中Z被解释为相对于x-y平面的高度。 Z必须至少是包含至少两个不同值的2乘2的矩阵。 x值对应于Z的列索引,y值对应于Z的行索引。自动选择轮廓级别。contour(Z,n) 绘制具有...
8、元素值自动确定色块的颜色,不显示字体>> matrixplot(x,'XVarNames',XVarNames,'YVarNames',XVarNames,'DisplayOpt','off','FigSize','Full','ColorBar','on','FigShape','d');效果图8: 【例3】读取真彩图片,绘制伪红外图。>> I = double(imread('kids. 9、tif');>> matrixplot(I,'Displa...
它们都可以用subplot来定位图像显示的位置,用colormap来定义图像显示用的颜色查找表,比如用colormap(pink,可以把黑白图像显示成带粉红色的图像,很有趣的。Matlab读取avi文件,并转换为灰度图:1.用matlab读取avi电影(只能读一定压缩各式的a 2、vi电影mov=aviread('highwayI_raw.A VI' %读入电影highwayI_raw.A ...