is useful when you simply want to differentate between different plots. For example, wtih the seamount data set, we can use a colormap to illustrate the depth of the ocean floor at each scatter point. More similar colors (red:orange) indicate depth measurements that are more similar, while...
The axes/figure colormap is NOT used for line objects (e.g.plot). "Is there any possibility how to do it ?" You can either 1. set theColorOrderproperty of the axes: ...
x=1:.1:10;y=sin(x);hLine=plot(x,y,'-','LineWidth',5);colorNum=length(hLine.XData);% 这里用的pink配色,可以换成其他colormap% 最后面透明度用的200可调整colorData=uint8([(pink(colorNum).*255)';200.*ones(1,colorNum)]);pause(1e-16)% Edge建立需要一定时间因此pause一下很重要set(h...
function color = getColor(value, min, max)cmap= get(groot,'defaultfigurecolormap'); [m, ~]...
Order',C);plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5)ylim([-1.11.1]);%SIMPLERLINECOLOREXAMPLEN=6;X=linspace(0,pi*3,1000);C=linspecer(N)holdoff;forii=1:NY=sin(X+2*ii*pi/N);plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3);hold on;end%COLORMAPEXAMPLEA=rand(15);figure;imagesc(A);%defaultcolormap...
来源:Matlab官网,网页链接 您好!plot函数共可以输出8种颜色,如上图所示。
MATLAB > Graphics > 2-D and 3-D Plots > Line Plots Find more on Line Plots in Help Center and MATLAB Answers Tags Add Tags color gradient colormap line plot plot plot3 Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start ...
matlabmarkerplot plot(x,y)这种格式中,若x,y是向量,则它们必须具有相同的长度。函数将以x为横轴,绘制y。 全栈程序员站长 2022/11/03 1.5K0 matlab二维彩图colormap调色_matlab如何自定义颜色 matlab 这个博客是自己的第一篇博客,瞎写实验中。。。 (2020年2月第一次更新,调整了一下格式,增加了常用的颜色图形...
figure %Image A ax1 = axes; RGB = imread('peppers.png'); I = rgb2gray(RGB); imagesc(ax1,I) colormap(ax1,'gray') %Data B ax2 = axes; ax2.Visible = 'off'; % make transparent x = 1:1000; y = x; z = zeros(size(x)); lineColor = x; h = surface(ax2, [x;x], [y...