先使用每个数据点的两个属性组织其HSV空间的颜色,然后hsv2rgb映射到rgb,散点图scatter的时候每个点指定上对应的rgb。最后colorbar就是在一个独立的axes里用imshow硬画出来的颜色表。 以上是算法,实现起来并不困难,核心代码构建映射部分就4行,而且由于定制性比较高,每次画这种奇奇怪怪的图都会有奇奇怪怪的新需求,没...
Show an image in a MATLAB 3D surface plot with a separate colormapwww.peteryu.ca/tutorials/matlab/image_in_3d_surface_plot_with_multiple_colormaps 之后,写了这一段代码,专门用来绘制3D 图。Origin 虽然也可以,但是相比之下图形化的界面不太方便,对于多张图片的情况,也不容易批处理;现学Origin 的...
Surface plot with colormap-based lighting collapse all in pageSyntax surfl(X,Y,Z) surfl(Z) surfl(___,'light') surfl(___,s) surfl(X,Y,Z,s,k) surfl(___,Name=Value) surfl(ax,___) s = surfl(___)Description surfl(X,Y,Z) creates a three-dimensional surface plot with highlights...
给⼤家⼀个⾮常好⽤的matlab程序(⼀个figure中画多幅图,colormap如 何设置)function freezeColors(varargin)% freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)% % Problem: There is only one colormap per figure. This function provides % an easy sol...
% Scatter plot with color indicating data density % % USAGE: % out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms) % out = scatplot(x,y,dd) % % DESCRIPTION: % Draws a scatter plot with a colorscale % representing the data density computed ...
Create a custom colormap and plot it. Then display a colorbar as a visual reference. r = (0:.1:.9)'; g = r.^1.8; b = r.^2.1; mymap = [r g b]; rgbplot(mymap) holdoncolormap(mymap) colorbar('Ticks',[]) Input Arguments ...
17、ocation','northwest')可以将标识框放置在图的左上角。Examples:x=0:.2:12;plot(x,bessel(1,x),x,bessel(2,x),x,bessel(3,x);legend('First','Second','Third');legend('First','Second','Third','Location','NorthEastOutside')b=bar(rand(10,5),'stack 18、ed');colormap(summer);hol...
%设置的是colorbar的Xlabel,然后加上文字 文字大小为12 %在显示的图像中,用鼠标点击Edit->Colormap选项可以手动更改颜色区间 set(hcb,'Ticks',[-5,-2,1,4,7],'TickLabels',{'Cold','Cool','Neutral','Warm','Hot'}) %Specify Colorbar Ticks(标记) and Tick Labels ...
is useful when you simply want to differentate between different plots. For example, wtih the seamount data set, we can use a colormap to illustrate the depth of the ocean floor at each scatter point. More similar colors (red:orange) indicate depth measurements that are more similar, while...
How to plot two axesm with different colormaps in the same graph? 채택된 답변 MathWorks Support Team2017년 9월 11일 추천 1 링크 번역 MATLAB Online에서 열기 In mapping Toolbox, axesm doesn’t create a new axes (it modifies the current axes), so the han...