1 第一,本文要求解的一元二次方程如下图,共三个。2 第二,启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入如下代码:function [x1,x2]=solve_equation(a,b,c)%solve_equation,solve the quadratic equation with one unknowndelt=b^2-4*a*c;if delt<0 'There is no answer!'elseif delt==0 &#...
两个函数的格式不同:\x0d\x0aplot(X,Y,S); % X,Y为坐标,画出一个点,S为其它属性(颜色,点的大小等)。\x0d\x0aline([X1 X2],[Y1 Y2],S); %点A(X1,Y1)和点B(X2 Y2)之间画一条直线,S为其它属性(颜色,线的粗细等)。\x0d\x0a详细资料可以在matlab主面板里输入 ...
Many MATLAB functions that start withisreturn logical arrays and are very useful for logical indexing. For example, you could replace all the NaN elements in an array with another value by using a combination ofisnan, logical indexing, and scalar expansion with one line of code. B(isnan(B)...
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The truth is: There may be more than one function in a file, but just the first one in the file will be visible to functions in other files or to the command line. In that sense, those functions in a file which do not take the first position can (only) act as a helper for the...
five columns with three digits 0 E=(:,:,1) in the matrix command window means a one-dimensional matrix E=(:,:,1)=rand(10,5) rand generates a uniformly distributed pseudo function, distributed in (0~1) between E=(:,:,1)=randn(10,5) ...
Sometimes it is necessary to draw images with specified colors, line types and markers. At this time, you can put the combination of attributes in the linespec area of the drawing function, and draw the desired graphics in one step.
Create the script. This is the one-line piece of code: Rp = (R1∗R2)/(R1+R2) 5. Save the file asParallelScript.matlabwill automatically append the suffix “.m” to the name to designate it is amatlabprogram. Before you run the script, you must first define the variables it uses...
4、(x):无论正负,舍去小数至最近整数 floor(x):地板函数,即舍去正小数至最近整数 ceil(x):天花板函数,即加入正小数至最近整数 rat(x):将实数x化为分数表示 rats(x):将实数x化为多项分数展开 sign(x):符号函数 (Signum function)。当x<0时,sign(x)=-1; 当x=0时,sign(x)=0; 当x>0时,sign(x...
(handles.edit1,'string','');set(handles.edit2,'string','');handles.output=hObject;%Update handles structureguidata(hObject,handles);%UIWAITmakes text2 waitforuserresponse(seeUIRESUME)%uiwait(handles.figure1);%---Outputs fromthisfunctionare returned to the command line.functionvarargout=text2_...