Hi, everyone, I saw a line of code: A=diff(B>=C), I am not sure what it does. Does it mean that, if B>=C, then do the differentiation between B and C? Hope someone with experience can help me answer this question. Thanks a lot. ...
( DESCZ, N, N, NB, NB, 0, 0, CONTEXT, LDA, INFO ) * * Build a matrix that you can create with * a one line matlab command: hilb(n) + diag([1:-1/n:1/n]) * CALL PDLAMODHILB( N, A, 1, 1, DESCA, INFO ) * * * Uncomment this lin...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I want to plot a figure with 6 groups of data, while in the plot, there are 6 different line types, but the legend always shows the same line type for all 6 groups of data. Could any one help me on this? Thanks! Here is the code: 테마복사...
The kite shown can be divided into two triangles, horizontally, with the upper triangle being much smaller than the lower triangle. If I reduce the height of the upper triangle further, I could get something that looks similar to a triangle but which does have...
The path to "$MATLABROOT\bin\win32" needs to be moved to the left of the path to "$MATLABROOT\bin". Note that $MATLABROOT denotes the full MATLAB installation path. For example, if your current configuration currently looks as follows:
I've modularized the code into two functions and converted one into a MEX function. I've also added print statements for debugging to track the code execution flow. Here's the updated script:
Error: File: Untitled8.m Line: 7 Column: 1 At least one END is missing: the statement may begin here. X = load('diabetes_dataset.csv'); W1 = rand(3,4); W2 = rand(1,3); b1 = rand(3,1); b2 = rand(1,1); y = [ones(1,50) 2*on...
Power electronic devices generally exhibit a nonlinear load characteristic to the power grid, which usually consumes a large amount of reactive power and injects a great deal of harmonics to the line current. In order to reduce the impact of these PQ problems, specifically designed static VAR ...
Line-to-line (LL) fault: The LL fault is accidental and can occur due to the low resistance between any two points in the PV array. The existence of the LL fault brings on modification in a PV array due to partial or total bypassing of modules through strings led by line-to-line sho...
Line number. Support Program Language: ARM, ASP, Assembler, AutoHotKey, C and C++, C#, CSS, DOS Batch, HTML, INI, Java, Javascript, JSP, Make, Matlab, Microsoft PowerShell, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, PL/SQL, TeX and LaTeX, Transact-SQL, Visual Basic, XML, R, ...