if ~xor( any(s), any(s2) ) error(message('MATLAB:mean:invalidFlags')); end if any(s) % flag contains 'includenan' or 'omitnan' omitnan = s(1); flag = flag2; else omitnan = s2(1); end end end function tf = isInvalidText(str) tf = (ischar(str) && ~isrow(str)) ||...
(20 points) Write a Matlab function with prototype “function str = num2English(n)” to convert an integer n into thecorrespondingEnglish words. For example, num2English(143) will return ‘one hundred and forty-three’. Here we assume 0 <= n <= 999999. 要求写一个翻译器,把0-999999的...
Now, what I'm getting in Data_Collected normal are the correct string names, so the first part of the if statement is achieved but the second one regarding the dates is not!! In my excel file I have redundant data but each one has a different date. Normal and Normal_Dates are 70X1...
Having two logical operators in one for statement. Learn more about logical operators, for loop, if statement MATLAB
To enable the code generated bycoder.cevalto build correctly, we must add information to enable the build process to find the source and include paths of the legacy C code (lines 10–13). We must also add an include statement for the relevant header file (line 14) to ensure that the ...
With the cursor in the Command Window, openmyrandom.mby entering this statement in the Command Window. openmyrandom.m You hear: Edit multiline Start of document line one n equals 50 Alternatively, you can open the script using theOpenbutton on the toolstrip. ...
10 if nargin==1 11 tol = max(size(A)') * max(s) * eps; 12 end 13 r = sum(s > tol); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 上面文件首行以function开头的称为函数声明行(function declaration line),紧接一行注释称为H1行(用作lookfor指令),H1行及之后的连续注释称...
If an m-file function has an anonymous function as one of its input arguments, then this anonymous function can be evaluated directly without the use of the Matlab function feval. If, however, the function in the parameter list may require a multistatement definition, an m-file function must...
if...else...end structure if表达式 语句体1 else 语句体2 end 此时如果表达式为真,则系统将执行语句体1,如果表达式为假,则系统将执行语句体2. if expression Statement body 1 else Statement body 2 end At this time, if the expression is true, the system will execute and specific one, if the ...