所以,我们需要用matlab读入nii.gz格式的数据 用gunzip解压缩,获得文件名 files=gunzip('diencephalon/training-images/1000_3.nii.gz'); 这时,files的内容如下图 我们要做的是读出nii的数据 2. 安装读nii的toolbox Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE imageww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8797-tools-fo...
出错EvalutionFunc>make_nii (line 95) origin(1:3) = double(varargin{3}); 出错test (line 36) nii=Funcollect.make_nii(3, [256 256 3],registADC,dataype,1,maxval,minval); You can also select a web site from the following list How to Get Best Site Performance Select the China site (...
资源简介 依赖于MATLAB,可以读取nii格式的文件,写入和操作输入的医学影像数据使用方法:1.下载压缩包并解压至MATLAB安装路径的toobox文件夹下 2.enjoy it! 代码片段和文件信息 % Using 2D or 3D affine matrix to rotate translate scale reflect and% shear a 2D image or 3D volume. 2D image is ...
回答済み How to display 3D image from nii file (openfMRI data) and transfer it to DICOM file? Hi, To display a 3D image from open fMRI data in online Matlab, you can follow these general steps: Download the fMRI data fr... 1年以上 前 | 0 さ...
FUNCTIONAL_DATA_FILTER = '*.nii'; ZIP_IMAGE_FILES = 'No'; icatb_runAnalysis(sesInfo, 1);"""result = MatlabCommand(script=script, mfile=True, prescript=[''], postscript=['']) r = result.run()returnruntime 开发者ID:GIGA-Consciousness,项目名称:structurefunction,代码行数:93,代码来源:...
format(FileBase) MakeSliceTimingJobs(os.path.join(RootDir,'{}.nii'.format(FileBase)),Fs,itl,SPMFiles) #(Nii,Fs,itl,OutDir) SPMsh.main(targetNii,ClusterJobDir,ErrorOutput,ClusterOutput,SPMFiles) 浏览完整代码 来源:RunSPMCompleteOnFilesh.py 项目:dpark6060/RunStatsOnImages...
有源滤波器由运算放大器、正阻抗倒置器(PII)、频率变阻器(FDNR)、负电容、负电阻、负电感、负阻抗变换器(NIC)、正阻抗变换器(PIC)、负阻抗倒置器(NII)、广义阻抗变换器(GIC)、四种受控源组成。 b.开关电容滤波器(SCF) SCF具有以下优点:大规模集成;精确度高;功能多样化,SC技术可以用来实现所有电子部件和功能;...
4. make_nii.m: Make N-Dimensional NIfTI structure (where N can be from 3 to 7) based on the N-Dimensional matrix and other optional parameters (e.g. voxel_size, origin, etc.). Using "save_nii" command, the NIfTI structure that is made by "make_nii" can be saved into a NIfTI ...
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