图像读取-nii图像 load_nii(‘图像的路径’)——读取nii图像的信息 make_nii(数据变量)——创建nii数据 save_nii(数据变量,‘存储的路径’)——保存nii数据 使用load_nii函数读取nii文件。 原因:需要先下载Nifti软件包至MATLABtoobox文件夹下,这里分享下老师给的软件包。 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kAn_...
path_mask=char(strcat(path1,'\',B,'_recROI.nii.gz')); mask_nii=make_nii(img_out); save_nii(mask_nii,path_mask); end
9. view_nii.m: View & Edit 3D (or 4D) NIfTI or ANALYZE structure that is loaded by "load_nii.m" or made by "make_nii.m". Activation map, ROI, etc. can be overlaid on top of a background image (see above picture). Plotted view can be embedded into your existing figure window...
/1xSHSKnlnNefbD-RJtk2Nvg 提取码: 6863 系统环境 win10 64位 MATLAB R2012b 配置工具箱 1、首先下载工具箱,下载之后解压。 2、找到自己的MATLABtoolbox文件夹,我的...MATLAB读取NIfTI文件方法MATLAB添加NIfTI工具箱 系统环境 配置工具箱 MATLAB添加NIfTI工具箱 MATLAB在读取.nii的文件时,不能够像正常图片的读取...
You will need to provide a .nii or .nii.gz file that has a value other than 0 for the medial wall of whatever template you are using (and specific hemisphere of the files you are comparing). We exclude this area from correlation/rotation. a. If you are using the standard fsaverage te...
You will need to provide a .nii or .nii.gz file that has a value other than 0 for the medial wall of whatever template you are using (and specific hemisphere of the files you are comparing). We exclude this area from correlation/rotation. a. If you are using the standard fsaverage te...
% the file datafile.nii.gz will be downloaded to /home/USERNAME/.neurojson/io/DBNAME/DOCNAME/sub-01/anat/ folder % if a URL does not follow the neurojson.io format, the cache folder has the below form % % CACHEFOLDER{i}/domainname.com/XX/YY/XXYYZZZZ... % % where XXYYZZZZ.....
I want to make a user interface that lets you choose which areas of the atlas brain regions to be bright. I want to be able to choose more than one area. I am unsure on what to do on the app designer portion of my code to create this. If my question i...
rois_JSins.nii.gz roi_file '' roiinfo_file rois_JSins.csv coregmat_file /INPUTS/coreg_mat.txt \ deffwd_file /INPUTS/y_deffwd.nii.gz \ ct1_file /INPUTS/ct1.nii.gz \ wgm_file /INPUTS/wgm.nii.gz \ wcseg_file /INPUTS/wcseg.nii.gz \ func_file /INPUTS/fmri.nii.gz \ p...
nii files follow the NIfTI image format. You can use the niftiread function to read these files. MATLAB also offers other functi... bijna 4 jaar ago | 0 Answered Matlab barchart question. Hi Pappu, It seems you've contacted Tech Support via email. I'll capture the workaround that we ...