I have 3D MRI scans of brain tumor and files are in .nii format i want to convert these .nii files to 2D images in jpg or png. images are from BarTs dataset. 댓글 수: 1 Jawwad Sami Ur Rahman 2022년 5월 6일 Research Imaging Institute — Mango (uthscsa.edu) 댓...
While applying deep learning on 3d mri data usingMATLAB 2019's 3d CNN modelit shows an internal error. Please tell me whats the issue. Here is the code. The dataset is of3d niftifiles of N numbers clc; %clear all; imds = imageDatastore('E:\DATASET','Inc...
"image to write". I used the SPM PET standard template (PET.nii) and also other publicly available FDG PET templates as well as custom made ones. However, the result is not satisfying. In SPM 5 everything worked fine. I do not have sMRI scans available, so cor...
- How can I see what exactly the 680 label names are (how to extract from the .nii.gz output file)? Currently, I have just quantified it to be 680 by doing this in matlab: gunzip('parcellation.nii.gz') a = MRIread('parcellation.nii'); u = unique(a.vol(:)); length(u) % to...