index = find(array==2,2,'last')输出:[行,列] = 查找(x)要在 3 维数组中查找元素的索引,您可以使用语法[row,col] = find(x)这将为您提供元素所在的行和列。例子:MATLAB % MATLAB code for Finding an index % of an element in a 3-D array array = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]% ...
% MATLAB code for find an index of any % element in an array using the find() array = [1 2 3 4 5 6] % find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 输出: 注意:如果数组包含重复项,则 find(X) 函数将返回...
% element in an array using the find() array = [1 2 3 4 5 6] % find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==3) 输出: 注意:如果数组包含重复项,则 find(X) 函数将返回该整数的所有索引。 示例2: MATLAB % MATLAB code for if the array contain...
index = find(array==2,2,'last') 输出: [行,列] = 查找(x) 要在3 维数组中查找元素的索引,您可以使用语法[row,col] = find(x)这将为您提供元素所在的行和列。 例子: MATLAB % MATLAB code for Finding an index % of an element in a 3-D array ...
+ 1); for index = 1:size(noisySTFT,2) - numSegments + 1 stftSegments(:,:,index) =...
For example, if I use the sort function on the array [14 8 91 19], I will get [8 14 19 91]. But instead I want [2 1 4 3] which gives me the indices of elements in the original array. Is there any inbuilt function or does the sort function accept any additional argument to...
一、新建GUI 1、命令行窗口输入 guide会出来如下界面,可以新建空白GUI,也可以打开已有GUI 2、通过工具栏新建 二、数据传递例子 1、添加输入框按钮,设置尺寸大小,内容,格式,标签 2、复制输入框按钮,得到输出框按钮 3、转换按钮 (1)添加按钮 注意格式是pushbutton (2
cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,(startIndex+1):end),... cData(2,(startIndex+1):end),zData,'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end set(p,'faceColor','r','EdgeColor','w'); ...
The error means you are trying to index an empty array. a = []; a(1) Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0. It looks like the line causing the error is from ChomboOutput obj.levelArray(1) You'll want to check thatlevelArrayhas been assigned values bef...