% S = MEAN(X) is the mean value of the elements in X if X is a vector. % For matrices, S is a row vector containing the mean value of each % column. % For N-D arrays, S is the mean value of the elements along the first % array dimension whose size does not equal 1. % ...
列 column)ans=23X(1,2)% 矩阵的项X_ij,其中i为行指数 row index,j为列指数 column indexans=1X(2,2)ans=3A=zeros(2)% 建立2*2的方块矩阵 square matrixA=0000B=zeros(2,3)% 建立2*3的矩阵B=000000R=[1,2,3]% 行向量 row vectorR=123C=[1;2;3]% 列向量 column...
I have a column vector, x, of solutions for the equation ax=b, length of x = N, and I want to label which solution is which. N varies depending on the size of the matrix inputted into the function. Want a new vector in the form of xsol = [labels,x]...
B = fliplr (a) 返回 A, 其列在左右方向 (即关于垂直轴) 反转。 IfAis a row vector, thenfliplr(A)returns a vector of the same length with the order of its elements reversed. IfAis a column vector, thenfliplr(A)simply returnsA. For multidimensional arrays,fliplroperates on the planes form...
(A) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [r,c]=size(A); b=reshape(A,r*c,1); % convert to column vector x=randperm(r*c); % make integer permutation of similar array as key w=[b,x’]; % combine matrix and key d=sortrows(w,2); % sort according to key y=reshape...
v = priceY(1:10)// v will be a vector with first 10 elements in priceY load dataX //load a data set (a matrix) named dataX v = dataX(1:10) // v will be a 1 by 10 matrix with first 10 elements in first column of dataX ...
Hi, Suppose, I have a 500x1 column vector How do I convert it into a 25x20 array matrix where 1st column values of the matrix will be 1st 25 values of the vector and so on. 댓글 수: 2 M Ray2021년 6월 26일 How to convert 1*259 row vector into a matrix by which fi...
Row Vector to Power of Column Vector Create a 1-by-2 row vector and a 3-by-1 column vector and raise the row vector to the power of the column vector. a = [2 3]; b = (1:3)'; a.^b ans =3×22 3 4 9 8 27 The result is a 3-by-2 matrix, where each (i,j) element...
compute as if both inputs are column vectors c = conv2(a(:),b(:),shape);restore orientation if shape(1) == 'f'if length(a) > length(b)if size(a,1) == 1 %row vector c = c.';end else if size(b,1) == 1 %row vector c = c.';end end else if size(a,1...
If you specify xq as a row vector and yq as a column vector, then griddata uses those grid vectors to form a full grid with [Xq,Yq] = meshgrid(xq,yq). In this case, the Xq and Yq outputs are returned as matrices that contain the full grid coordinates for the query points. If xq...