A vector in MATLAB is equivalent to what is called a one-dimensional array in other languages. A matrix is equivalent to a two-dimensional array. Usually, even in MATLAB, some operations that can be performed on either vectors or matrices are referred to as array operations. The term array...
Open in MATLAB Online "how to concatenate z, which is numeric vector, and A, invA , which are cells vectors where each cell is of 2 * 2 dimension. and x which is cells vector where each cell is 2 * 1 matrix." If you want to concatanete a numeric array and cell. Initially y...
xnum = sizex/N;ynum = sizey/N;所得到的结果xnum、ynum有可能不是整数(和你的第一个图像有关),然后你用这两个数作维数来调zeros,所以会出警告。你可以考虑把上面这两句改成:xnum = fix(sizex/N);ynum = fix(sizey/N);也就是对这两个数取整,就不会出来警告了。
If a MATLAB string or character row vector is not null-terminated, for example'Hello World', the MATLAB string is mapped to character arrays{ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd' }in the generated C/C++ code. In MATLAB, consider this function: fu...
说的很明白啊 函数第16行,输入向量必须为整数型。你程序里width/n不是整数,后面一个参数也是一样的问题 取整就行。round(四舍五入),floor(下整数),ceil(上整数)都可以
Rotate vector in row Hi, i have an array n= [1,19,15,18,21,10,16,2,7,3,17,6,1; 1,14,20,8,4,13,9,5,1,0,0,0,0; 1,11,12,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; What i need to do is to randomly choose 2 elements of each row (but not the ones and the zeros) and ...
Apri in MATLAB Online I have a row vector as the following: x = [1:10, 101:110, 11:20, 111:120] Now I want to convert it to a 2-by-2 cell arrayC, where C(1,1) = {[1:10]} C(1,2) = {[11:20]} C(2,1) = {[101:110]} ...
这下试试看:是个草帽图 x=-8:0.5:8;y=x';ones(size(y))*x;y=y*ones(size(x));x=ans;r=sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)+eps;z=sin(r)./r;mesh(z)另外,虚机团上产品团购,超级便宜
Check the dimension ofVby usingsize.Vis a 1-by-13 character vector, which is also a row vector. sz = size(V) sz =1×21 13 Now create a string scalar by enclosing a piece of text in double quotes. V ="Hello, World!"; Check if the scalarVis also a row vector. ...
% the row vector B is inserted twice C = insertrows(ones(4,3),1:3,[1 Inf]) % matrix B is expanded to a row vector and inserted twice (as in 2) C = insertrows(ones(5,3),999,[2 4]) % the whole matrix B is inserted once ...