在MATLAB中将column_vector更改为矩阵 | 我有一个列向量,需要将其更改为矩阵。指定矩阵的大小,并且可以更改。请提出向量化解决方案。 rows = 3 ; cols = 4 ; %matrix elements for this case = 12 colvector = [ 2;4;5;8;10;14;16;18;20;21;28;30] ; desired_mat = [ ... 2 4 5 8 10 14...
matlab错误:FUN should return a column vector of the same length as Y我用Matlab估计一两个参数, 函数式为: hq = ( ln2 - ln(a^q+b^q) ) / (q*ln2); 代码如下 function beta = fitHq(q, hq, beta0) % function beta = fitHq(q, hq, beta0); % fun = inline('(log(2) - (log...
I have a column vector, x, of solutions for the equation ax=b, length of x = N, and I want to label which solution is which. N varies depending on the size of the matrix inputted into the function. Want a new vector in the form of xsol = [labels,x]...
Y must be a column vector. Error in fit (line 117)[fitobj, goodness, output, convmsg] = iFit( xdatain, ydatain, fittypeobj, ... When I run which fit I get the following C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox\curvefit\curvefit\fit.m confirming Walter's suspicion that ...
I have a .mat file containning 36 column vectors, each column vector is 1000 rows*1 column. These column vectors are named as A_1, A_2, A_3, ..., A_36. How can I select data from rows 100 to 499 in these column vectors in batches?
Equation solved at initial point. fsolve completed because the vector of function values at the initial point is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient. ans = [] ...
링크 번역 마감:Walter Roberson2015년 6월 7일 str={'hi' 'me' 'if' {'yes' 'no' 'hi'} {'for' 'while' 'all'} 'hi'}; %example element='hi'; %remove 'hi' str(strcmp(str,element))=''; for i=1:length(str) if iscell...
Add To Group Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector, output true or false whether it is a column vector. Solve Solution Stats 60.56% Correct | 39.44% Incorrect 1970 Solutions 1073 Solvers
MATLAB Online で開く I have the following code. The end goal of this is to be able to set the overall rotation/placement matrix equal to a numberical matrix. I want to solve for the angles in the overall matrix and get an answer in degrees. ...